diff --git a/AR - RTO/AR - RTO.vcxproj b/AR - RTO/AR - RTO.vcxproj new file mode 100644 index 0000000..17a0fa9 --- /dev/null +++ b/AR - RTO/AR - RTO.vcxproj @@ -0,0 +1,147 @@ + + + + + Debug + Win32 + + + Release + Win32 + + + Debug + x64 + + + Release + x64 + + + + 16.0 + Win32Proj + {6a513d61-9907-4712-8f8b-720f14b8dbb9} + ARRTO + 10.0 + + + + Application + true + v142 + Unicode + + + Application + false + v142 + true + Unicode + + + Application + true + v142 + Unicode + + + Application + false + v142 + true + Unicode + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + true + + + false + + + true + + + false + + + + Level3 + true + WIN32;_DEBUG;_CONSOLE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + true + + + Console + true + + + + + Level3 + true + true + true + WIN32;NDEBUG;_CONSOLE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + true + + + Console + true + true + true + + + + + Level3 + true + _DEBUG;_CONSOLE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + true + + + Console + true + + + + + Level3 + true + true + true + NDEBUG;_CONSOLE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions) + true + + + Console + true + true + true + + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/AR - RTO/AR - RTO.vcxproj.filters b/AR - RTO/AR - RTO.vcxproj.filters new file mode 100644 index 0000000..12d7c5f --- /dev/null +++ b/AR - RTO/AR - RTO.vcxproj.filters @@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ + + + + + {4FC737F1-C7A5-4376-A066-2A32D752A2FF} + cpp;c;cc;cxx;c++;cppm;ixx;def;odl;idl;hpj;bat;asm;asmx + + + {93995380-89BD-4b04-88EB-625FBE52EBFB} + h;hh;hpp;hxx;h++;hm;inl;inc;ipp;xsd + + + {67DA6AB6-F800-4c08-8B7A-83BB121AAD01} + rc;ico;cur;bmp;dlg;rc2;rct;bin;rgs;gif;jpg;jpeg;jpe;resx;tiff;tif;png;wav;mfcribbon-ms + + + + + Archivos de origen + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/AR - RTO/AR - RTO.vcxproj.user b/AR - RTO/AR - RTO.vcxproj.user new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0f14913 --- /dev/null +++ b/AR - RTO/AR - RTO.vcxproj.user @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/AR - RTO/Debug/AR - RTO-FER_SURFACE.pdb b/AR - RTO/Debug/AR - RTO-FER_SURFACE.pdb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..24c3191 Binary files /dev/null and b/AR - RTO/Debug/AR - RTO-FER_SURFACE.pdb differ diff --git a/AR - RTO/Debug/AR - RTO.exe b/AR - RTO/Debug/AR - RTO.exe new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1e68ed2 Binary files /dev/null and b/AR - RTO/Debug/AR - RTO.exe differ diff --git a/AR - RTO/Debug/AR - RTO.exe.recipe b/AR - RTO/Debug/AR - RTO.exe.recipe new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f321ded --- /dev/null +++ b/AR - RTO/Debug/AR - RTO.exe.recipe @@ -0,0 +1,11 @@ + + + + + C:\Users\humpe\OneDrive - Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)\UCM-IC\Tercero\AR\Ejercicios\Ejercicio 1\AR - RTO\Debug\AR - RTO.exe + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/AR - RTO/Debug/AR - RTO.ilk b/AR - RTO/Debug/AR - RTO.ilk new file mode 100644 index 0000000..484486c Binary files /dev/null and b/AR - RTO/Debug/AR - RTO.ilk differ diff --git a/AR - RTO/Debug/AR - RTO.log b/AR - RTO/Debug/AR - RTO.log new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1ace197 --- /dev/null +++ b/AR - RTO/Debug/AR - RTO.log @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ + main.cpp + AR - RTO.vcxproj -> C:\Users\humpe\OneDrive - Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)\UCM-IC\Tercero\AR\Ejercicios\Ejercicio 1\AR - RTO\Debug\AR - RTO.exe diff --git a/AR - RTO/Debug/AR - RTO.pdb b/AR - RTO/Debug/AR - RTO.pdb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..37bf76b Binary files /dev/null and b/AR - RTO/Debug/AR - RTO.pdb differ diff --git a/AR - RTO/Debug/AR - RTO.tlog/AR - RTO.lastbuildstate b/AR - RTO/Debug/AR - RTO.tlog/AR - RTO.lastbuildstate new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3f6cd98 --- /dev/null +++ b/AR - RTO/Debug/AR - RTO.tlog/AR - RTO.lastbuildstate @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +PlatformToolSet=v142:VCToolArchitecture=Native32Bit:VCToolsVersion=14.28.29333:TargetPlatformVersion=10.0.18362.0: +Debug|Win32|C:\Users\humpe\OneDrive - Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)\UCM-IC\Tercero\AR\Ejercicios\Ejercicio 1\AR - RTO\| diff --git a/AR - RTO/Debug/AR - RTO.tlog/CL.command.1.tlog b/AR - RTO/Debug/AR - RTO.tlog/CL.command.1.tlog new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7bf7795 Binary files /dev/null and b/AR - RTO/Debug/AR - RTO.tlog/CL.command.1.tlog differ diff --git a/AR - RTO/Debug/AR - RTO.tlog/CL.read.1.tlog b/AR - RTO/Debug/AR - RTO.tlog/CL.read.1.tlog new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c5777e5 Binary files /dev/null and b/AR - RTO/Debug/AR - RTO.tlog/CL.read.1.tlog differ diff --git a/AR - RTO/Debug/AR - RTO.tlog/CL.write.1.tlog b/AR - RTO/Debug/AR - RTO.tlog/CL.write.1.tlog new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cdc1717 Binary files /dev/null and b/AR - RTO/Debug/AR - RTO.tlog/CL.write.1.tlog differ diff --git a/AR - RTO/Debug/AR - RTO.tlog/link.command.1.tlog b/AR - RTO/Debug/AR - RTO.tlog/link.command.1.tlog new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e82a3f4 Binary files /dev/null and b/AR - RTO/Debug/AR - RTO.tlog/link.command.1.tlog differ diff --git a/AR - RTO/Debug/AR - RTO.tlog/link.read.1.tlog b/AR - RTO/Debug/AR - RTO.tlog/link.read.1.tlog new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4224b22 Binary files /dev/null and b/AR - RTO/Debug/AR - RTO.tlog/link.read.1.tlog differ diff --git a/AR - RTO/Debug/AR - RTO.tlog/link.write.1.tlog b/AR - RTO/Debug/AR - RTO.tlog/link.write.1.tlog new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2e580b2 Binary files /dev/null and b/AR - RTO/Debug/AR - RTO.tlog/link.write.1.tlog differ diff --git a/AR - RTO/Debug/AR - RTO.vcxproj.FileListAbsolute.txt b/AR - RTO/Debug/AR - RTO.vcxproj.FileListAbsolute.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4c93330 --- /dev/null +++ b/AR - RTO/Debug/AR - RTO.vcxproj.FileListAbsolute.txt @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +C:\Users\humpe\OneDrive - Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)\UCM-IC\Tercero\AR\Ejercicios\Ejercicio 1\AR - RTO\Debug\AR - RTO.exe +C:\Users\humpe\OneDrive - Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)\UCM-IC\Tercero\AR\Ejercicios\Ejercicio 1\AR - RTO\Debug\AR - RTO.pdb diff --git a/AR - RTO/Debug/main.obj b/AR - RTO/Debug/main.obj new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0ae8ebf Binary files /dev/null and b/AR - RTO/Debug/main.obj differ diff --git a/AR - RTO/Debug/vc142.idb b/AR - RTO/Debug/vc142.idb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4196850 Binary files /dev/null and b/AR - RTO/Debug/vc142.idb differ diff --git a/AR - RTO/Debug/vc142.pdb b/AR - RTO/Debug/vc142.pdb new file mode 100644 index 0000000..97b7963 Binary files /dev/null and b/AR - RTO/Debug/vc142.pdb differ diff --git a/Gráficos/Graphics.docx b/Gráficos/Graphics.docx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2ab99a6 Binary files /dev/null and b/Gráficos/Graphics.docx differ diff --git a/Gráficos/Graphics.pdf b/Gráficos/Graphics.pdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fc33d30 Binary files /dev/null and b/Gráficos/Graphics.pdf differ diff --git a/Gráficos/SERIES - GRÁFICOS.xlsx b/Gráficos/SERIES - GRÁFICOS.xlsx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fabc97a Binary files /dev/null and b/Gráficos/SERIES - GRÁFICOS.xlsx differ diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000..204cc4c --- /dev/null +++ b/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,209 @@ +Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (ECL-2.0) + +Educational Community License + +Version 2.0, April 2007 + +http://www.osedu.org/licenses/ + +The Educational Community License version 2.0 ("ECL") consists of the Apache +2.0 license, modified to change the scope of the patent grant in section 3 to +be specific to the needs of the education communities using this license. The +original Apache 2.0 license can be found at: http://www.apache.org/licenses/ +LICENSE-2.0 + +TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR USE, REPRODUCTION, AND DISTRIBUTION + +1. Definitions. + +"License" shall mean the terms and conditions for use, reproduction, and +distribution as defined by Sections 1 through 9 of this document. + +"Licensor" shall mean the copyright owner or entity authorized by the copyright +owner that is granting the License. + +"Legal Entity" shall mean the union of the acting entity and all other entities +that control, are controlled by, or are under common control with that entity. +For the purposes of this definition, "control" means (i) the power, direct or +indirect, to cause the direction or management of such entity, whether by +contract or otherwise, or (ii) ownership of fifty percent (50%) or more of the +outstanding shares, or (iii) beneficial ownership of such entity. + +"You" (or "Your") shall mean an individual or Legal Entity exercising +permissions granted by this License. + +"Source" form shall mean the preferred form for making modifications, including +but not limited to software source code, documentation source, and +configuration files. + +"Object" form shall mean any form resulting from mechanical transformation or +translation of a Source form, including but not limited to compiled object +code, generated documentation, and conversions to other media types. + +"Work" shall mean the work of authorship, whether in Source or Object form, +made available under the License, as indicated by a copyright notice that is +included in or attached to the work (an example is provided in the Appendix +below). + +"Derivative Works" shall mean any work, whether in Source or Object form, that +is based on (or derived from) the Work and for which the editorial revisions, +annotations, elaborations, or other modifications represent, as a whole, an +original work of authorship. For the purposes of this License, Derivative Works +shall not include works that remain separable from, or merely link (or bind by +name) to the interfaces of, the Work and Derivative Works thereof. + +"Contribution" shall mean any work of authorship, including the original +version of the Work and any modifications or additions to that Work or +Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally submitted to Licensor for +inclusion in the Work by the copyright owner or by an individual or Legal +Entity authorized to submit on behalf of the copyright owner. For the purposes +of this definition, "submitted" means any form of electronic, verbal, or +written communication sent to the Licensor or its representatives, including +but not limited to communication on electronic mailing lists, source code +control systems, and issue tracking systems that are managed by, or on behalf +of, the Licensor for the purpose of discussing and improving the Work, but +excluding communication that is conspicuously marked or otherwise designated in +writing by the copyright owner as "Not a Contribution." + +"Contributor" shall mean Licensor and any individual or Legal Entity on behalf +of whom a Contribution has been received by Licensor and subsequently +incorporated within the Work. + +2. Grant of Copyright License. + +Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby +grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, +irrevocable copyright license to reproduce, prepare Derivative Works of, +publicly display, publicly perform, sublicense, and distribute the Work and +such Derivative Works in Source or Object form. + +3. Grant of Patent License. + +Subject to the terms and conditions of this License, each Contributor hereby +grants to You a perpetual, worldwide, non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, +irrevocable (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have +made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, and otherwise transfer the Work, where +such license applies only to those patent claims licensable by such Contributor +that are necessarily infringed by their Contribution(s) alone or by combination +of their Contribution(s) with the Work to which such Contribution(s) was +submitted. If You institute patent litigation against any entity (including a +cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that the Work or a +Contribution incorporated within the Work constitutes direct or contributory +patent infringement, then any patent licenses granted to You under this License +for that Work shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed. Any +patent license granted hereby with respect to contributions by an individual +employed by an institution or organization is limited to patent claims where +the individual that is the author of the Work is also the inventor of the +patent claims licensed, and where the organization or institution has the right +to grant such license under applicable grant and research funding agreements. +No other express or implied licenses are granted. + +4. Redistribution. + +You may reproduce and distribute copies of the Work or Derivative Works thereof +in any medium, with or without modifications, and in Source or Object form, +provided that You meet the following conditions: + + 1. You must give any other recipients of the Work or Derivative Works a copy + of this License; and + 2. You must cause any modified files to carry prominent notices stating that + You changed the files; and + 3. You must retain, in the Source form of any Derivative Works that You + distribute, all copyright, patent, trademark, and attribution notices from + the Source form of the Work, excluding those notices that do not pertain to + any part of the Derivative Works; and + 4. If the Work includes a "NOTICE" text file as part of its distribution, then + any Derivative Works that You distribute must include a readable copy of + the attribution notices contained within such NOTICE file, excluding those + notices that do not pertain to any part of the Derivative Works, in at + least one of the following places: within a NOTICE text file distributed as + part of the Derivative Works; within the Source form or documentation, if + provided along with the Derivative Works; or, within a display generated by + the Derivative Works, if and wherever such third-party notices normally + appear. The contents of the NOTICE file are for informational purposes only + and do not modify the License. You may add Your own attribution notices + within Derivative Works that You distribute, alongside or as an addendum to + the NOTICE text from the Work, provided that such additional attribution + notices cannot be construed as modifying the License. + +You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and may provide +additional or different license terms and conditions for use, reproduction, or +distribution of Your modifications, or for any such Derivative Works as a +whole, provided Your use, reproduction, and distribution of the Work otherwise +complies with the conditions stated in this License. + +5. Submission of Contributions. + +Unless You explicitly state otherwise, any Contribution intentionally submitted +for inclusion in the Work by You to the Licensor shall be under the terms and +conditions of this License, without any additional terms or conditions. +Notwithstanding the above, nothing herein shall supersede or modify the terms +of any separate license agreement you may have executed with Licensor regarding +such Contributions. + +6. Trademarks. + +This License does not grant permission to use the trade names, trademarks, +service marks, or product names of the Licensor, except as required for +reasonable and customary use in describing the origin of the Work and +reproducing the content of the NOTICE file. + +7. Disclaimer of Warranty. + +Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, Licensor provides +the Work (and each Contributor provides its Contributions) on an "AS IS" BASIS, +WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied, +including, without limitation, any warranties or conditions of TITLE, +NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are +solely responsible for determining the appropriateness of using or +redistributing the Work and assume any risks associated with Your exercise of +permissions under this License. + +8. Limitation of Liability. + +In no event and under no legal theory, whether in tort (including negligence), +contract, or otherwise, unless required by applicable law (such as deliberate +and grossly negligent acts) or agreed to in writing, shall any Contributor be +liable to You for damages, including any direct, indirect, special, incidental, +or consequential damages of any character arising as a result of this License +or out of the use or inability to use the Work (including but not limited to +damages for loss of goodwill, work stoppage, computer failure or malfunction, +or any and all other commercial damages or losses), even if such Contributor +has been advised of the possibility of such damages. + +9. Accepting Warranty or Additional Liability. + +While redistributing the Work or Derivative Works thereof, You may choose to +offer, and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, or +other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this License. +However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only on Your own behalf and +on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf of any other Contributor, and only +if You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold each Contributor harmless for any +liability incurred by, or claims asserted against, such Contributor by reason +of your accepting any such warranty or additional liability. + +END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + +APPENDIX: How to apply the Educational Community License to your work + + To apply the Educational Community License to your work, attach + the following boilerplate notice, with the fields enclosed by + brackets "[]" replaced with your own identifying information. + (Don't include the brackets!) The text should be enclosed in the + appropriate comment syntax for the file format. We also recommend + that a file or class name and description of purpose be included on + the same "printed page" as the copyright notice for easier + identification within third-party archives. + + Copyright [yyyy] [name of copyright owner] Licensed under the + Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may + not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may + obtain a copy of the License at + + http://www.osedu.org/licenses/ECL-2.0 + + Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, + software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" + BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express + or implied. See the License for the specific language governing + permissions and limitations under the License. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 8b13789..03101d7 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -1 +1,8 @@ - +# AR - RTO 💻 +Arquitectura de Redes. +Análisis de datos de muestra, para el cálculo de las RTO según el algortimo de Jacobson y Jacobson/Karels. + +Para uso exclusivo con fines de estudio. Se prohíbe su uso para entregas calificables y/o uso comercial. +*** +## Licencia 📄 +Educational Community License v2.0 (ECL-2.0). \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Resultados/output1.dat b/Resultados/output1.dat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..24aa14c --- /dev/null +++ b/Resultados/output1.dat @@ -0,0 +1,201 @@ +RTO(Jacobson) RTO(Jacobson/Karels) RTTs Desviación M +106 159 53 26,5 53 +104,25 138,63 52,125 21,625 46 +102,47 123,23 51,234 18 45 +100,91 110,69 50,455 15,059 45 +100,8 96,029 50,398 11,408 50 +100,7 84,97 50,348 8,6553 50 +99,11 81,869 49,555 8,0786 44 +99,971 77,666 49,986 6,9202 53 +100,22 71,888 50,112 5,4438 51 +100,95 69,692 50,473 4,8048 53 +102,08 69,98 51,039 4,7353 55 +102,32 66,326 51,159 3,7917 52 +103,28 66,855 51,639 3,8039 55 +103,37 63,457 51,684 2,9431 52 +104,95 67,619 52,474 3,7862 58 +105,83 67,799 52,915 3,7212 56 +105,35 65,754 52,675 3,2696 51 +102,43 72,7 51,216 5,371 41 +102,13 68,393 51,064 4,3322 50 +102,86 67,364 51,431 3,9832 54 +100,5 71,633 50,252 5,3451 42 +100,44 66,508 50,221 4,0719 50 +99,386 66,129 49,693 4,109 46 +99,963 64,615 49,981 3,6585 52 +99,717 61,816 49,859 2,9892 49 +100,75 63,485 50,376 3,2773 54 +98,909 66,662 49,454 4,302 43 +98,795 62,758 49,398 3,3401 49 +99,446 62,346 49,723 3,1557 52 +100,76 65,127 50,382 3,6861 55 +100,42 62,65 50,21 3,1102 49 +100,62 60,429 50,308 2,5302 51 +101,04 59,802 50,52 2,3205 52 +102,66 64,772 51,33 3,3604 57 +103,83 66,665 51,914 3,6878 56 +105,1 68,699 52,549 4,0375 57 +103,46 70,393 51,731 4,6655 46 +103,03 67,242 51,514 3,9318 50 +103,9 67,231 51,95 3,8202 55 +103,66 64,242 51,831 3,1027 51 +103,2 62,742 51,602 2,7849 50 +101,05 67,484 50,527 4,2393 43 +101,17 63,777 50,586 3,2977 51 +100,78 61,867 50,388 2,8698 49 +99,929 61,962 49,964 2,9993 47 +99,688 59,806 49,844 2,4906 49 +97,477 65,054 48,738 4,0789 41 +98,542 65,77 49,271 4,1246 53 +97,474 65,382 48,737 4,1612 45 +98,79 67,142 49,395 4,4366 54 +98,441 63,926 49,221 3,6762 48 +100,39 69,001 50,193 4,702 57 +99,338 67,968 49,669 4,5748 46 +100,92 70,516 50,46 5,0138 56 +101,81 69,484 50,903 4,6453 54 +101,58 65,629 50,79 3,7097 50 +100,88 64,36 50,441 3,4797 48 +101,52 63,759 50,761 3,2495 53 +102,83 66,403 51,416 3,7469 56 +101,98 65,645 50,989 3,6641 48 +100,98 65,472 50,49 3,7453 47 +102,36 67,925 51,179 4,1864 56 +101,81 65,645 50,907 3,6846 49 +101,09 64,504 50,543 3,4901 48 +101,7 63,777 50,85 3,2317 53 +101,74 60,714 50,869 2,4612 51 +99,771 65,138 49,885 3,8132 43 +98,8 64,725 49,4 3,8312 46 +99,45 63,819 49,725 3,5235 52 +100,52 65,105 50,259 3,7114 54 +100,45 61,62 50,227 2,8484 50 +99,647 61,595 49,823 2,943 47 +99,691 58,851 49,846 2,2514 50 +100,98 62,398 50,49 2,9771 55 +100,36 61,6 50,179 2,8553 48 +99,563 61,526 49,781 2,9361 47 +100,37 62,211 50,184 3,0068 53 +99,821 61,115 49,911 2,801 48 +101,34 65,164 50,672 3,6231 56 +99,426 68,254 49,713 4,6353 43 +97,997 68,617 48,999 4,9047 44 +98,748 67,089 49,374 4,4288 52 +98,404 63,863 49,202 3,6651 48 +100,6 70,095 50,302 4,9483 58 +99,778 68,036 49,889 4,5367 47 +100,81 68,124 50,403 4,4302 54 +99,705 67,546 49,853 4,4234 46 +100,99 68,914 50,496 4,6044 55 +101,12 64,876 50,559 3,5793 51 +101,48 62,918 50,739 3,0447 52 +101,29 60,52 50,647 2,4683 50 +102,13 61,824 51,066 2,6895 54 +103,12 63,56 51,558 3,0007 55 +103,98 64,432 51,988 3,1111 55 +102,98 64,811 51,489 3,3303 48 +102,36 63,659 51,178 3,1201 49 +103,56 65,963 51,781 3,5455 56 +102,37 66,601 51,183 3,8544 47 +101,07 67,282 50,535 4,1866 46 +101,19 63,618 50,594 3,2561 51 +101,04 60,881 50,519 2,5905 50 +100,41 60,495 50,204 2,5727 48 +101,36 62,192 50,679 2,8784 54 +99,938 64,283 49,969 3,5785 45 +99,196 63,302 49,598 3,4261 47 +100,55 65,954 50,273 3,9201 55 +99,228 66,648 49,614 4,2584 45 +100,07 66,198 50,037 4,0403 53 +100,32 63,241 50,158 3,2709 51 +99,776 61,858 49,888 2,9926 48 +99,804 58,992 49,902 2,2725 50 +101,33 63,58 50,664 3,2289 56 +101,91 62,979 50,956 3,0056 53 +100,67 64,31 50,337 3,4932 46 +100,09 62,861 50,045 3,2041 48 +99,828 60,571 49,914 2,6642 49 +100,35 60,253 50,175 2,5197 52 +100,31 57,887 50,153 1,9334 50 +101,02 59,156 50,509 2,1618 53 +99,64 61,815 49,82 2,9986 45 +100,69 63,518 50,343 3,2939 54 +98,6 67,524 49,3 4,5561 42 +97,275 67,605 48,637 4,742 44 +97,865 65,521 48,933 4,1472 51 +97,132 63,94 48,566 3,8436 46 +97,741 62,835 48,87 3,4911 51 +98,023 60,615 49,012 2,9008 50 +98,77 61,076 49,385 2,9227 52 +99,174 59,97 49,587 2,5957 51 +100,28 62,339 50,139 3,0501 54 +100,74 61,383 50,371 2,7529 52 +101,4 61,587 50,7 2,7219 53 +101,97 61,453 50,987 2,6164 53 +99,478 67,576 49,739 4,4592 41 +98,793 65,513 49,397 4,0291 47 +97,944 64,456 48,972 3,871 46 +97,201 63,185 48,601 3,6462 46 +97,801 62,239 48,9 3,3346 51 +98,076 60,141 49,038 2,7758 50 +98,816 60,698 49,408 2,8224 52 +100,21 64,166 50,107 3,5147 55 +99,187 64,245 49,594 3,6628 46 +98,289 63,727 49,145 3,6456 46 +96,503 66,333 48,251 4,5203 42 +96,94 63,779 48,47 3,8274 50 +95,823 63,863 47,911 3,988 44 +94,845 63,298 47,422 3,9688 44 +95,239 61,104 47,62 3,371 49 +94,834 59,15 47,417 2,9332 46 +94,73 56,582 47,365 2,3042 47 +96,639 62,867 48,319 3,6369 55 +96,059 61,259 48,029 3,3075 46 +96,302 59,044 48,151 2,7233 49 +96,514 57,276 48,257 2,2548 49 +97,7 60,357 48,85 2,8768 53 +99,737 66,649 49,869 4,1952 57 +100,27 64,852 50,135 3,6792 52 +99,986 62,166 49,993 3,0432 49 +102,24 69,255 51,119 4,5341 59 +103,71 71,337 51,854 4,8708 57 +102,49 70,714 51,247 4,8667 47 +101,43 69,564 50,716 4,7118 47 +101,75 66,296 50,877 3,8548 52 +102,03 63,705 51,017 3,1719 52 +100,78 64,923 50,39 3,6332 46 +100,43 62,506 50,216 3,0724 49 +101,13 62,565 50,564 3,0002 53 +101,49 61,18 50,744 2,6091 52 +103,05 65,609 51,526 3,5209 57 +103,92 65,997 51,96 3,5092 55 +102,18 68,578 51,09 4,3719 45 +103,41 69,73 51,704 4,5064 56 +103,23 65,839 51,616 3,5558 51 +103,83 64,965 51,914 3,2629 54 +102,85 65,127 51,425 3,4256 48 +102,49 62,948 51,247 2,9254 50 +102,43 60,238 51,216 2,2557 51 +104,38 66,74 52,189 3,6378 59 +103,33 66,767 51,665 3,7756 48 +103,16 63,574 51,582 2,998 51 +102,02 64,585 51,009 3,394 47 +102,27 62,306 51,133 2,7932 52 +102,73 61,613 51,366 2,5616 53 +103,64 63,139 51,821 2,8296 55 +103,69 60,511 51,843 2,167 52 +104,23 60,771 52,113 2,1645 54 +105,45 64,104 52,724 2,8452 57 +104,77 63,642 52,383 2,8148 50 +104,92 61,522 52,46 2,2653 53 +105,06 59,863 52,528 1,8339 53 +104,92 58,491 52,462 1,5074 52 +102,06 67,013 51,029 3,996 41 +101,55 64,792 50,775 3,5042 49 +101,36 61,967 50,678 2,822 50 +100,44 62,363 50,219 3,0361 47 +100,13 60,393 50,066 2,5818 49 +99,866 58,745 49,933 2,2029 49 +101,88 65,617 50,941 3,6689 58 +99,897 68,897 49,949 4,737 43 +99,41 65,865 49,705 4,04 48 diff --git a/Resultados/output2.dat b/Resultados/output2.dat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..59a24e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/Resultados/output2.dat @@ -0,0 +1,201 @@ +RTO(Jacobson) RTO(Jacobson/Karels) RTTs Desviación M +78 117 39 19,5 39 +77,5 99,25 38,75 15,125 37 +80,563 97,906 40,281 14,406 51 +78,992 88,996 39,496 12,375 34 +79,618 79,438 39,809 9,9072 42 +84,416 91,121 42,208 12,228 59 +86,864 89,908 43,432 11,619 52 +87,506 81,178 43,753 9,3564 46 +85,318 79,481 42,659 9,2055 35 +86,153 74,034 43,076 7,7394 46 +86,134 66,362 43,067 5,8237 43 +85,617 62,347 42,809 4,8845 41 +83,915 63,42 41,957 5,3655 36 +85,426 64,852 42,713 5,5348 48 +86,497 64,14 43,249 5,2229 47 +89,185 71,013 44,593 6,605 54 +86,537 73,676 43,269 7,6019 34 +88,97 77,022 44,485 8,1343 53 +90,599 76,217 45,299 7,7295 51 +93,524 81,651 46,762 8,7223 57 +94,583 77,697 47,292 7,6012 51 +96,26 77,642 48,13 7,378 54 +97,478 75,743 48,739 6,7509 53 +101,79 88,41 50,897 9,3785 66 +104,32 90,398 52,16 9,5597 61 +106,28 89,659 53,14 9,1299 60 +105,49 83,276 52,747 7,6323 50 +102,81 85,048 51,404 8,411 42 +98,457 91,865 49,228 10,659 34 +95,899 90,156 47,95 10,551 39 +97,162 85,286 48,581 9,1762 53 +96,017 80,118 48,008 8,0274 44 +93,265 81,723 46,632 8,7726 37 +91,107 80,504 45,553 8,7376 38 +92,218 76,769 46,109 7,6648 50 +93,941 76,856 46,97 7,4713 53 +95,448 76,168 47,724 7,1109 53 +92,767 78,441 46,384 8,0142 37 +89,421 82,137 44,711 9,3566 33 +94,244 94,481 47,122 11,84 64 +92,963 87,123 46,482 10,16 42 +91,593 81,759 45,796 8,9906 41 +93,894 83,122 46,947 9,0439 55 +96,407 85,388 48,204 9,2962 57 +93,356 86,77 46,678 10,023 36 +94,937 83,859 47,468 9,0977 53 +92,82 82,171 46,41 8,9404 39 +93,467 76,145 46,734 7,3528 49 +93,284 69,434 46,642 5,698 46 +94,373 68,639 47,187 5,3631 51 +93,577 66,064 46,788 4,8189 44 +96,38 73,858 48,19 6,4171 58 +95,582 70,232 47,791 5,6103 45 +97,884 74,982 48,942 6,51 57 +95,149 78,046 47,574 7,618 38 +95,755 73,157 47,878 6,3199 50 +96,286 69,225 48,143 5,2705 50 +94 71,955 47 6,2386 39 +92,25 71,841 46,125 6,429 40 +91,469 68,146 45,734 5,603 43 +93,535 71,842 46,768 6,2686 54 +94,093 68,085 47,047 5,2596 49 +95,332 68,398 47,666 5,183 52 +96,915 70,341 48,458 5,4708 54 +98,801 73,355 49,4 5,9887 56 +98,451 68,592 49,225 4,8416 48 +101,14 75,872 50,572 6,3249 60 +98,251 79,672 49,126 7,6367 39 +99,47 77,519 49,735 6,9461 54 +99,536 70,871 49,768 5,2759 50 +97,094 74,143 48,547 6,3989 40 +96,457 69,972 48,229 5,4359 46 +100,9 84,529 50,45 8,5198 66 +97,038 89,528 48,519 10,252 35 +93,908 90,23 46,954 10,819 36 +95,919 88,463 47,96 10,126 55 +94,68 82,677 47,34 8,8342 43 +95,595 77,96 47,797 7,5407 51 +95,145 71,992 47,573 6,1049 46 +93,252 72,513 46,626 6,4718 40 +90,846 74,464 45,423 7,2604 37 +92,49 74,603 46,245 7,0896 52 +93,179 70,613 46,589 6,006 49 +95,031 72,944 47,516 6,3571 54 +95,902 70,507 47,951 5,6389 51 +99,165 79,548 49,582 7,4914 61 +99,269 72,526 49,635 5,723 50 +99,11 67,359 49,555 4,4509 49 +102,47 78,033 51,236 6,6993 63 +103,41 75,569 51,706 5,9656 55 +99,986 81,596 49,993 7,9007 38 +98,738 78,064 49,369 7,1738 45 +103,15 90,725 51,573 9,7881 67 +100,5 90,188 50,251 9,9843 41 +95,94 96,174 47,97 12,051 32 +100,2 103,28 50,099 13,296 65 +100,92 93,25 50,461 10,697 53 +101,31 84,284 50,654 8,4076 52 +101,14 76,448 50,572 6,4691 50 +98,501 79,23 49,25 7,4948 40 +98,688 72,578 49,344 5,8085 50 +98,602 67,071 49,301 4,4424 49 +95,277 74,267 47,638 6,6571 36 +92,867 76,043 46,434 7,4024 38 +90,009 78,645 45,004 8,4102 35 +91,008 74,73 45,504 7,3066 49 +90,632 68,739 45,316 5,8559 44 +93,053 73,778 46,526 6,8129 55 +97,671 87,748 48,836 9,7281 65 +99,712 87,205 49,856 9,3372 57 +100,75 82,53 50,374 8,0388 54 +102,9 84,195 51,452 8,1856 59 +100,54 84,28 50,271 8,5023 42 +102,47 84,473 51,237 8,309 58 +103,41 80,397 51,707 7,1725 55 +101,99 78,219 50,994 6,8062 46 +101,49 73,157 50,745 5,6032 49 +102,8 73,466 51,402 5,5162 56 +105,2 78,748 52,601 6,5367 61 +108,3 86,16 54,151 8,0022 65 +108,76 80,238 54,382 6,4638 56 +108,17 75,858 54,085 5,4435 52 +105,15 80,989 52,574 7,1037 42 +102 84,887 51,002 8,4713 40 +101,75 77,293 50,877 6,604 50 +102,53 74,202 51,267 5,7338 54 +101,97 70,453 50,984 4,8672 49 +103,72 73,479 51,861 5,4044 58 +100,76 78,452 50,378 7,0185 40 +97,412 83,14 48,706 8,6085 37 +93,986 86,524 46,993 9,8829 35 +94,487 78,899 47,244 7,914 49 +96,426 79,711 48,213 7,8745 55 +94,873 77,273 47,437 7,4592 42 +91,764 80,696 45,882 8,7036 35 +93,043 77,75 46,522 7,8072 51 +90,413 79,15 45,207 8,4858 36 +93,361 83,932 46,681 9,3127 57 +90,691 83,965 45,346 9,6547 36 +90,605 74,612 45,302 7,3274 45 +96,279 92,82 48,14 11,17 68 +95,994 82,647 47,997 8,6624 47 +95,745 74,857 47,873 6,7461 47 +95,527 68,874 47,763 5,2777 47 +92,586 73,89 46,293 6,8991 36 +96,263 83,536 48,131 8,8511 61 +96,73 76,787 48,365 7,1055 50 +96,889 70,396 48,444 5,4879 49 +96,778 65,297 48,389 4,227 48 +99,18 71,882 49,59 5,573 58 +97,533 72,076 48,766 5,8273 43 +93,841 79,169 46,921 8,0621 34 +94,361 73,446 47,181 6,5664 49 +97,316 80,177 48,658 7,8797 59 +98,401 77,182 49,201 6,9953 53 +96,851 75,612 48,426 6,7966 43 +93,745 79,688 46,872 8,2039 36 +94,277 73,878 47,138 6,6848 49 +93,492 69,939 46,746 5,7982 44 +93,806 65,551 46,903 4,6621 48 +94,33 63,249 47,165 4,0209 49 +94,289 59,372 47,144 3,0569 47 +94,253 56,441 47,126 2,3288 47 +94,221 54,223 47,111 1,7782 47 +91,693 61,292 45,847 3,8612 37 +91,982 58,728 45,991 3,1843 47 +93,234 61,179 46,617 3,6405 51 +96,83 73,719 48,415 6,3261 61 +96,226 69,506 48,113 5,3483 46 +94,198 71,257 47,099 6,0395 40 +97,173 78,606 48,587 7,5049 59 +98,276 76,066 49,138 6,732 53 +94,992 80,83 47,496 8,3336 36 +96,118 77,564 48,059 7,3762 52 +96,603 72,371 48,302 6,0174 50 +95,278 70,993 47,639 5,8385 43 +95,118 65,713 47,559 4,5386 47 +96,478 67,296 48,239 4,7642 53 +97,418 66,763 48,709 4,5133 52 +97,991 64,826 48,996 3,9577 51 +96,742 65,24 48,371 4,2172 44 +97,65 65,105 48,825 4,0701 52 +96,443 65,257 48,222 4,2588 44 +96,388 61,192 48,194 3,2495 48 +95,589 60,737 47,795 3,2356 45 +98,141 68,982 49,07 4,978 58 +96,123 71,066 48,062 5,7511 41 +94,358 71,494 47,179 6,0787 41 +96,063 73,089 48,032 6,2643 54 +95,305 69,477 47,653 5,4561 45 +94,892 65,467 47,446 4,5052 46 +96,281 67,21 48,14 4,7674 53 +96,745 64,535 48,373 4,0405 50 +96,402 61,695 48,201 3,3736 47 +98,352 67,096 49,176 4,4799 56 +101,06 74,793 50,529 6,0659 60 +101,68 71,507 50,838 5,1672 53 +101,72 66,522 50,858 3,9159 51 +99,252 71,232 49,626 5,4015 41 +98,095 69,878 49,048 5,2076 45 diff --git a/Resultados/output3.dat b/Resultados/output3.dat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..889f684 --- /dev/null +++ b/Resultados/output3.dat @@ -0,0 +1,201 @@ +RTO(Jacobson) RTO(Jacobson/Karels) RTTs Desviación M +100 150 50 25 50 +100,5 127,25 50,25 19,25 52 +100,69 108,84 50,344 14,625 51 +100,6 94,52 50,301 11,055 50 +100,28 84,603 50,138 8,6162 49 +100,49 76,956 50,246 6,6776 51 +100,93 72,252 50,465 5,4467 52 +100,81 67,212 50,407 4,2013 50 +100,46 64,242 50,231 3,5028 49 +100,4 60,942 50,202 2,6849 50 +100,6 59,154 50,302 2,2131 51 +100,03 58,955 50,014 2,2353 48 +100,52 58,954 50,262 2,1729 52 +99,959 58,761 49,98 2,1953 48 +99,714 57,423 49,857 1,8914 49 +99,75 55,692 49,875 1,4542 50 +99,531 55,003 49,766 1,3094 49 +99,59 53,958 49,795 1,0407 50 +99,641 53,148 49,821 0,83176 50 +99,686 52,518 49,843 0,66868 50 +99,975 53,151 49,988 0,79076 51 +99,728 53,224 49,864 0,83997 49 +99,512 53,14 49,756 0,84603 49 +99,823 53,694 49,912 0,94548 51 +99,845 52,847 49,923 0,7312 50 +99,865 52,203 49,932 0,56773 50 +99,382 53,326 49,691 0,90888 48 +99,209 53,022 49,604 0,85436 49 +98,808 53,571 49,404 1,0419 48 +99,457 55,45 49,728 1,4304 52 +99,775 55,45 49,887 1,3907 51 +99,553 54,836 49,776 1,2649 49 +99,859 54,948 49,929 1,2546 51 +100,38 56,022 50,188 1,4586 52 +100,08 55,604 50,04 1,391 49 +100,32 55,293 50,16 1,2833 51 +100,53 54,955 50,265 1,1726 51 +100,46 54,014 50,232 0,94561 50 +99,905 55,021 49,953 1,2671 48 +99,417 55,463 49,709 1,4385 48 +99,49 54,352 49,745 1,1517 50 +99,054 54,727 49,527 1,3001 48 +99,422 55,084 49,711 1,3433 51 +99,744 55,191 49,872 1,3297 51 +100,03 55,13 50,013 1,2793 51 +99,523 55,612 49,762 1,4627 48 +99,083 55,691 49,541 1,5374 48 +98,697 55,502 49,349 1,5384 48 +99,11 55,822 49,555 1,5666 51 +99,221 54,756 49,611 1,2862 50 +99,319 53,907 49,659 1,062 50 +99,404 53,229 49,702 0,88165 50 +99,478 52,682 49,739 0,73576 50 +99,044 53,468 49,522 0,98661 48 +99,413 54,145 49,707 1,1095 51 +98,986 54,528 49,493 1,2588 48 +99,363 54,965 49,682 1,3208 51 +99,443 54,002 49,721 1,0702 50 +99,512 53,245 49,756 0,87229 50 +99,573 52,647 49,787 0,71516 50 +100,13 54,422 50,063 1,0897 52 +100,61 55,511 50,305 1,3014 52 +101,03 56,116 50,517 1,3997 52 +100,91 55,169 50,453 1,1791 50 +100,79 54,386 50,396 0,99748 50 +100,94 54,068 50,472 0,8991 51 +100,33 55,331 50,163 1,2922 48 +100,53 54,981 50,267 1,1785 51 +100,72 54,627 50,359 1,0671 51 +100,88 54,281 50,439 0,96059 51 +101,02 53,952 50,509 0,86069 51 +101,39 54,768 50,695 1,0182 52 +101,22 54,359 50,609 0,93755 50 +101,31 53,862 50,657 0,80103 51 +101,4 53,446 50,7 0,6864 51 +101,73 54,222 50,863 0,83973 52 +101,51 54,137 50,755 0,84548 50 +101,32 53,952 50,661 0,82284 50 +100,91 54,582 50,453 1,0323 49 +100,54 54,821 50,271 1,1374 49 +100,72 54,503 50,362 1,0352 51 +100,38 54,66 50,192 1,117 49 +100,84 55,577 50,418 1,2897 52 +100,73 54,653 50,366 1,0718 50 +100,14 55,651 50,07 1,3953 48 +100,62 56,427 50,311 1,529 52 +100,04 56,921 50,022 1,7246 48 +100,04 55,216 50,02 1,299 50 +100,28 55,02 50,142 1,2194 51 +100,5 54,765 50,249 1,129 51 +100,44 53,855 50,218 0,90909 50 +100,38 53,136 50,191 0,73637 50 +100,33 52,567 50,167 0,60002 50 +100,04 52,988 50,021 0,74178 49 +100,29 53,348 50,144 0,80104 51 +100 53,547 50,001 0,88667 49 +99,501 54,411 49,751 1,1652 48 +99,563 53,527 49,782 0,93623 50 +99,618 52,836 49,809 0,75675 50 +99,666 52,294 49,833 0,61531 50 +99,458 52,408 49,729 0,6697 49 +99,525 52,043 49,763 0,57008 50 +99,335 52,14 49,667 0,61823 49 +99,918 54,146 49,959 1,0468 52 +99,928 53,146 49,964 0,7954 50 +100,44 54,641 50,219 1,1055 52 +100,88 55,539 50,441 1,2745 52 +100,77 54,651 50,386 1,0662 50 +100,93 54,275 50,463 0,95313 51 +101,31 55,052 50,655 1,0991 52 +101,15 54,525 50,573 0,9881 50 +101 54,039 50,501 0,88435 50 +100,88 53,593 50,439 0,78862 50 +101,02 53,436 50,509 0,73177 51 +100,64 54,025 50,32 0,92606 49 +100,06 55,129 50,03 1,2746 48 +100,55 56,07 50,276 1,4484 52 +100,48 54,864 50,242 1,1554 50 +100,17 54,795 50,087 1,177 49 +100,15 53,694 50,076 0,90446 50 +99,883 53,731 49,941 0,94731 49 +99,897 52,849 49,949 0,72514 50 +100,16 53,307 50,08 0,80668 51 +99,64 54,32 49,82 1,125 48 +99,935 54,523 49,968 1,1388 51 +99,443 55,105 49,722 1,346 48 +99,513 54,073 49,756 1,0791 50 +99,574 53,268 49,787 0,87019 50 +99,877 53,762 49,939 0,95592 51 +99,892 52,875 49,946 0,73231 50 +99,656 52,971 49,828 0,78578 49 +99,699 52,379 49,849 0,63236 50 +99,487 52,49 49,743 0,68663 49 +99,551 52,092 49,775 0,57916 50 +99,607 51,766 49,803 0,49053 50 +99,156 52,853 49,578 0,81875 48 +99,262 52,509 49,631 0,71957 50 +99,354 52,205 49,677 0,63199 50 +99,435 51,936 49,717 0,55476 50 +99,505 51,7 49,753 0,48675 50 +99,817 52,616 49,909 0,6769 51 +99,84 52,042 49,92 0,53054 50 +99,61 52,317 49,805 0,6279 49 +99,659 51,908 49,829 0,51968 50 +100,2 53,83 50,101 0,93242 52 +100,43 53,91 50,213 0,92414 51 +100,62 53,871 50,311 0,88983 51 +100,55 53,253 50,273 0,74524 50 +100,48 52,747 50,238 0,62706 50 +100,92 54,101 50,459 0,91068 52 +101,3 54,925 50,651 1,0683 52 +101,39 54,249 50,695 0,88843 51 +100,97 54,843 50,483 1,09 49 +100,85 54,176 50,423 0,9383 50 +100,74 53,607 50,37 0,80939 50 +100,65 53,122 50,324 0,6995 50 +100,57 52,705 50,283 0,60553 50 +100,25 53,222 50,123 0,77493 49 +100,46 53,434 50,232 0,80051 51 +100,41 52,837 50,203 0,65849 50 +100,61 53,075 50,303 0,69302 51 +100,53 52,647 50,265 0,5955 50 +100,46 52,284 50,232 0,5129 50 +99,906 53,724 49,953 0,94266 48 +100,17 53,959 50,084 0,96876 51 +100,65 55,146 50,323 1,2056 52 +100,07 55,973 50,033 1,485 48 +100,06 54,517 50,029 1,122 50 +99,55 55,17 49,775 1,3487 48 +99,357 54,5 49,678 1,2053 49 +99,687 54,781 49,844 1,2344 51 +99,476 54,285 49,738 1,1367 49 +99,292 53,794 49,646 1,037 49 +99,38 53,155 49,69 0,86633 50 +99,708 53,763 49,854 0,97722 51 +99,494 53,533 49,747 0,94638 49 +100,06 55,121 50,029 1,273 52 +99,55 55,623 49,775 1,4619 48 +99,356 54,839 49,678 1,2902 49 +99,687 55,036 49,843 1,2981 51 +99,976 55,039 49,988 1,2627 51 +99,979 53,79 49,99 0,95004 50 +100,23 53,976 50,116 0,96515 51 +100,7 55,131 50,351 1,1949 52 +100,36 55,118 50,182 1,234 49 +100,57 54,804 50,285 1,1299 51 +100,25 54,798 50,124 1,1686 49 +100,47 54,615 50,234 1,0954 51 +100,66 54,382 50,329 1,0132 51 +101,08 55,248 50,538 1,1775 52 +101,44 55,715 50,721 1,2486 52 +101,51 54,781 50,756 1,0062 51 +101,32 54,436 50,661 0,94363 50 +101,16 54,071 50,579 0,87305 50 +101,26 53,672 50,631 0,76012 51 +100,85 54,339 50,427 0,97792 49 +101 54,005 50,499 0,87659 51 +100,62 54,44 50,312 1,0322 49 +101,05 55,308 50,523 1,1962 52 +100,91 54,569 50,457 1,0278 50 diff --git a/Resultados/output4.dat b/Resultados/output4.dat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a70d2ab --- /dev/null +++ b/Resultados/output4.dat @@ -0,0 +1,201 @@ +RTO(Jacobson) RTO(Jacobson/Karels) RTTs Desviación M +148 222 74 37 74 +149,25 190,63 74,625 29 79 +150,09 165,42 75,047 22,594 78 +150,83 146,15 75,416 17,684 78 +152,48 135,87 76,239 14,909 82 +152,17 122,05 76,084 11,491 75 +154,65 121,71 77,324 11,097 86 +154,32 111,77 77,158 8,654 76 +156,53 113,07 78,263 8,7009 86 +157,21 107,44 78,605 7,2099 81 +157,81 102,93 78,905 6,006 81 +159,33 103,78 79,667 6,0283 85 +159,42 98,127 79,708 4,6046 80 +158,99 95,017 79,495 3,8805 78 +158,37 93,319 79,183 3,5341 77 +159,07 92,954 79,535 3,3548 82 +159,19 90,123 79,593 2,6323 80 +158,29 90,634 79,144 2,8726 76 +158,5 88,725 79,251 2,3684 80 +158,94 88,324 79,47 2,2135 81 +158,32 88,271 79,161 2,2776 77 +158,53 86,938 79,266 1,9179 80 +159,97 91,471 79,983 2,872 85 +159,72 89,458 79,86 2,3996 79 +158,25 92,186 79,127 3,2647 74 +159,47 94,403 79,736 3,6667 84 +158,04 95,756 79,019 4,1841 74 +158,03 91,589 79,017 3,1429 79 +158,28 89,552 79,14 2,603 80 +159,24 91,291 79,622 2,9173 83 +159,34 88,799 79,67 2,2824 80 +159,17 87,102 79,586 1,8792 79 +160,53 91,314 80,263 2,7629 85 +159,71 91,406 79,855 2,8878 77 +159 91,016 79,498 2,8796 77 +160,37 94,326 80,186 3,5352 85 +160,32 90,954 80,162 2,6978 80 +160,78 90,323 80,392 2,4827 82 +162,44 95,274 81,218 3,514 87 +162,63 92,64 81,316 2,831 82 +162,05 91,835 81,026 2,7022 79 +162,55 91,353 81,273 2,5201 83 +161,73 91,697 80,864 2,7083 78 +161,51 89,745 80,756 2,2472 80 +160,32 91,659 80,161 2,8744 76 +158,28 95,926 79,141 4,1962 72 +160,25 100,57 80,124 5,1118 87 +160,47 96,445 80,233 4,053 81 +158,91 97,846 79,454 4,598 74 +157,79 97,145 78,897 4,562 75 +158,82 97,199 79,41 4,4472 83 +158,72 93,111 79,359 3,4379 79 +157,13 95,237 78,564 4,1682 73 +156,99 91,562 78,493 3,2671 78 +157,61 91,115 78,807 3,077 81 +160,16 99,505 80,081 4,856 89 +160,39 95,683 80,196 3,8718 81 +160,84 93,841 80,421 3,3549 82 +160,99 91,137 80,494 2,6608 81 +160,36 90,658 80,182 2,619 78 +160,82 90,084 80,409 2,4188 82 +161,22 89,455 80,608 2,2118 82 +161,31 87,684 80,657 1,7568 81 +160,65 88,252 80,325 1,9819 78 +160,82 87,03 80,409 1,6552 81 +160,97 86,039 80,483 1,3891 81 +160,85 85,073 80,423 1,1626 80 +162,49 91,31 81,245 2,5162 87 +162,93 90,768 81,464 2,326 83 +162,06 91,473 81,031 2,6105 78 +161,05 92,39 80,527 2,9657 77 +160,67 90,761 80,336 2,6061 79 +159,34 92,824 79,669 3,2887 75 +159,92 92,157 79,961 3,0492 82 +159,93 89,152 79,966 2,2967 80 +160,19 88,019 80,095 1,9811 81 +159,42 88,746 79,708 2,2596 77 +159,24 87,106 79,62 1,8717 79 +158,83 86,652 79,417 1,8087 78 +159,23 86,624 79,615 1,7522 81 +159,83 87,555 79,913 1,9104 82 +159,85 85,742 79,924 1,4545 80 +158,37 89,471 79,183 2,5719 74 +157,82 88,81 78,911 2,4748 77 +157,34 88,007 78,672 2,3337 77 +157,18 86,261 78,588 1,9182 78 +158,28 89,306 79,139 2,5417 83 +158,49 87,733 79,247 2,1215 80 +160,18 93,209 80,091 3,2794 86 +160,41 90,952 80,205 2,6868 81 +160,61 89,16 80,304 2,2139 81 +160,28 88,087 80,141 1,9865 79 +160,25 86,224 80,123 1,5251 80 +159,97 85,682 79,983 1,4247 79 +159,22 86,867 79,61 1,8143 77 +159,32 85,492 79,659 1,4582 80 +158,9 85,485 79,451 1,5083 78 +157,54 88,747 78,77 2,4941 74 +156,85 88,676 78,424 2,5631 76 +157,74 90,136 78,871 2,8164 82 +148,27 120,46 74,137 11,58 41 +139,74 138,75 69,87 17,219 40 +139,02 124,04 69,511 13,632 67 +137,14 116,98 68,572 12,102 62 +132 122,88 66,001 14,219 48 +127 126,16 63,501 15,665 46 +130,88 127,93 65,438 15,623 79 +140,77 156,82 70,383 21,608 105 +135,42 153,92 67,71 21,552 49 +136,74 138,32 68,372 17,486 73 +129,65 145,66 64,825 20,208 40 +141,44 178,52 70,722 26,949 112 +144,01 163,13 72,007 22,782 81 +159,51 210,09 79,756 32,584 134 +151,32 206,17 75,661 32,627 47 +159,66 211,05 79,829 32,805 109 +161,2 185,19 80,6 26,147 86 +158,3 169,19 79,15 22,51 69 +161,26 160,01 80,631 19,845 91 +152,6 170,47 76,302 23,542 46 +148,03 162,94 74,015 22,232 58 +157,03 181,19 78,513 25,67 110 +147,15 190,1 73,574 29,131 39 +148,75 168,2 74,377 23,455 80 +147,16 150,32 73,58 19,185 68 +140,01 156,14 70,007 21,534 45 +140,26 135,73 70,131 16,399 71 +149,23 159,68 74,615 21,266 106 +154,08 160,22 77,038 20,796 94 +144,82 171,83 72,408 24,856 40 +137,96 170,96 68,982 25,494 45 +138,97 149,99 69,485 20,125 73 +140,6 137,19 70,299 16,723 76 +136,02 136,48 68,012 17,117 52 +132,52 131,62 66,26 16,341 54 +147,21 181,36 73,603 26,94 125 +147,3 154,87 73,652 20,305 74 +139,14 163,14 69,571 23,392 41 +135 154,24 67,499 21,686 53 +143,62 171,37 71,812 24,89 102 +144,92 152,32 72,46 19,964 77 +146,06 137,46 73,028 16,108 77 +146,8 124,7 73,399 12,824 76 +152,95 139,55 76,475 15,768 98 +159,58 153,62 79,79 18,458 103 +160,88 141,02 80,441 15,146 85 +168,77 161,38 84,386 19,249 112 +170,68 150,7 85,338 16,34 92 +165,59 152,15 82,796 17,34 65 +169,89 154,17 84,946 17,306 100 +169,41 138,57 84,703 13,466 83 +169,48 125,43 84,74 10,174 85 +173,55 133,55 86,773 11,695 101 +175,85 132,24 87,926 11,078 96 +179,12 135,87 89,56 11,577 101 +170,23 155,41 85,115 17,573 54 +175,2 160,2 87,601 18,151 105 +166,8 171,45 83,401 22,013 54 +167,2 151,24 83,601 16,91 85 +165,55 140,11 82,776 14,333 77 +166,36 129,4 83,179 11,556 86 +158,56 145,13 79,281 16,461 52 +160,99 139,6 80,496 14,776 89 +152,37 155,01 76,184 19,706 46 +151,82 137,21 75,911 15,325 74 +151,34 123,56 75,672 11,972 74 +144,18 136,68 72,088 16,147 47 +148,65 140,68 74,327 16,588 90 +152,32 140,6 76,161 16,109 89 +144,03 153,51 72,016 20,372 43 +151,03 164,61 75,514 22,275 100 +152,9 150,76 76,45 18,578 83 +145,29 158,83 72,644 21,546 46 +145,38 137,68 72,688 16,248 73 +139,45 142,16 69,727 18,108 49 +131,77 150,94 65,886 21,263 39 +142,05 175,93 71,025 26,226 107 +139,79 157,6 69,897 21,926 62 +151,57 188,66 75,785 28,22 117 +157,62 187,69 78,812 27,219 100 +154,42 171,68 77,21 23,617 66 +165,37 197,32 82,684 28,66 121 +172,2 199,39 86,099 28,324 110 +171,42 173,78 85,711 22,018 83 +172,99 158,84 86,497 18,085 92 +157,62 194,56 78,81 28,938 25 +160,92 180,46 80,459 25,001 92 +156,8 169,86 78,402 22,866 64 +157,2 148,8 78,601 17,549 80 +158,8 138,45 79,401 14,761 85 +157,45 128,41 78,726 12,421 74 +159,27 124,17 79,635 11,134 86 +158,36 116,22 79,181 9,2597 76 +163,07 128,13 81,533 11,65 98 +171,18 153,01 85,592 16,854 114 +172,79 143,36 86,393 14,242 92 +178,69 155,68 89,344 16,584 110 +170,85 166,52 85,426 20,274 58 +168,99 152,74 84,497 17,062 78 +159,87 167,62 79,935 21,921 48 diff --git a/Resultados/output5.dat b/Resultados/output5.dat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..193f98e --- /dev/null +++ b/Resultados/output5.dat @@ -0,0 +1,201 @@ +RTO(Jacobson) RTO(Jacobson/Karels) RTTs Desviación M +96 144 48 24 48 +95,5 121,75 47,75 18,5 46 +94,313 107,41 47,156 15,063 43 +95,023 95,543 47,512 12,008 50 +94,396 85,733 47,198 9,6338 45 +97,096 88,252 48,548 9,9259 58 +98,209 83,334 49,105 8,5574 53 +98,933 78,034 49,466 7,1419 52 +98,066 73,925 49,033 6,2231 46 +97,808 68,606 48,904 4,9256 48 +100,08 73,914 50,041 5,9682 58 +100,07 67,981 50,036 4,4864 50 +100,31 64,58 50,156 3,6058 51 +100,27 61,111 50,137 2,7435 50 +100,99 61,588 50,495 2,7734 53 +100,87 59,248 50,433 2,2037 50 +99,258 62,673 49,629 3,261 44 +99,35 59,829 49,675 2,5386 50 +98,932 58,757 49,466 2,3227 48 +99,815 60,41 49,908 2,6256 53 +99,088 60,328 49,544 2,6961 47 +98,702 58,983 49,351 2,4081 48 +99,114 58,43 49,557 2,2183 51 +98,725 57,575 49,363 2,053 48 +100,13 61,864 50,067 2,9491 55 +98,618 64,223 49,309 3,7287 44 +97,04 66,015 48,52 4,3737 43 +98,41 67,806 49,205 4,6502 54 +97,609 65,96 48,805 4,289 46 +99,158 68,641 49,579 4,7656 55 +100,26 68,849 50,132 4,6794 54 +101,48 69,647 50,74 4,7267 55 +102,05 67,463 51,023 4,11 53 +102,29 64,452 51,145 3,3268 52 +101,75 63,002 50,877 3,0313 49 +101,53 60,738 50,767 2,4927 50 +101,09 59,791 50,546 2,3113 49 +102,96 65,866 51,478 3,5969 58 +101,59 67,062 50,793 4,0672 46 +101,64 63,227 50,819 3,1021 51 +101,43 60,842 50,717 2,5313 50 +102,25 62,004 51,127 2,7193 54 +100,72 64,646 50,361 3,5713 45 +101,38 64,044 50,691 3,3381 53 +101,46 61,053 50,73 2,5808 51 +101,53 58,776 50,763 2,0032 51 +103,34 64,914 51,668 3,3115 58 +104,67 67,601 52,335 3,8167 57 +104,09 65,827 52,043 3,4461 50 +104,07 62,418 52,037 2,5953 52 +102,82 64,231 51,408 3,2058 47 +102,21 63,132 51,107 3,0063 49 +101,94 61,094 50,968 2,5314 50 +102,19 59,723 51,097 2,1564 52 +101,67 59,402 50,835 2,1417 49 +102,96 63,071 51,481 2,8975 56 +103,09 60,757 51,546 2,3029 52 +102,7 59,807 51,352 2,1136 50 +101,37 62,377 50,683 2,9233 46 +101,45 59,81 50,723 2,2716 51 +99,765 63,42 49,883 3,3845 44 +99,795 60,168 49,897 2,5677 50 +99,32 59,261 49,66 2,4001 48 +98,905 58,313 49,453 2,2151 48 +97,792 59,994 48,896 2,7745 45 +99,568 65,211 49,784 3,8569 56 +99,372 62,041 49,686 3,0886 49 +100,45 63,805 50,225 3,395 54 +101,39 64,657 50,697 3,4899 54 +99,72 67,027 49,86 4,2917 44 +98,005 68,738 49,002 4,9338 43 +98,504 66,051 49,252 4,1997 51 +98,941 63,818 49,471 3,5867 51 +99,824 64,201 49,912 3,5724 53 +98,096 66,677 49,048 4,4073 43 +98,334 63,341 49,167 3,5435 50 +99,542 65,235 49,771 3,8659 54 +99,599 61,626 49,8 2,9567 50 +101,65 67,895 50,825 4,2676 58 +101,44 64,349 50,722 3,4069 50 +101,76 62,38 50,881 2,8748 52 +101,79 59,639 50,896 2,1857 51 +101,82 57,57 50,909 1,6652 51 +101,34 57,575 50,671 1,7262 49 +100,67 58,186 50,337 1,9623 48 +100,09 58,268 50,045 2,0559 48 +100,58 58,412 50,289 2,0308 52 +99,256 61,009 49,628 2,8453 45 +100,35 63,083 50,174 3,227 54 +102,06 67,534 51,028 4,1267 57 +103,05 67,877 51,524 4,0881 55 +101,92 67,747 50,959 4,1971 47 +101,68 64,389 50,839 3,3875 50 +102,22 63,433 51,109 3,0809 53 +101,94 61,322 50,97 2,5879 50 +101,2 61,333 50,599 2,6835 48 +102,8 65,851 51,399 3,6129 57 +102,7 62,587 51,349 2,8095 51 +102,86 60,51 51,431 2,2698 52 +103,75 62,255 51,877 2,5947 55 +115,53 112,67 57,767 13,727 99 +125,59 144,21 62,796 20,353 98 +134,64 164,59 67,322 24,316 99 +143,31 179,28 71,657 26,906 102 +151,65 189,89 75,824 28,516 105 +155,69 179,57 77,846 25,431 92 +162,98 186,94 81,491 26,361 107 +168,11 183,65 84,054 24,898 102 +171,59 174,44 85,797 22,16 98 +175,15 168,26 87,573 20,171 100 +178,75 164,32 89,376 18,735 102 +181,41 157,53 90,704 16,707 100 +183,98 152,41 91,991 15,104 101 +187,23 151,94 93,617 14,58 105 +188,83 144,54 94,415 12,531 100 +188,98 132,67 94,488 9,5445 95 +191,1 132,7 95,552 9,2863 103 +190,72 124,77 95,358 7,3528 94 +190,63 117,73 95,313 5,6041 95 +191,8 117,4 95,899 5,3747 100 +191,82 112,14 95,912 4,0563 96 +192,85 112,68 96,423 4,0642 100 +191,99 111,61 95,995 3,9039 93 +192,99 112,21 96,496 3,9292 100 +194,37 114,48 97,184 4,323 102 +196,57 120,07 98,286 5,4463 106 +196,75 115,43 98,375 4,2633 99 +195,16 116,74 97,578 4,7912 92 +197,51 122,55 98,756 5,9489 107 +198,82 122,5 99,411 5,7727 104 +199,72 120,77 99,86 5,2267 103 +199,25 117,17 99,627 4,385 98 +200,85 119,95 100,42 4,8819 106 +202,24 121,34 101,12 5,0554 106 +204,21 125,15 102,11 5,7613 109 +205,44 124,9 102,72 5,5445 107 +205,01 120,85 102,5 4,5878 101 +204,38 118,46 102,19 4,0666 100 +204,83 116,43 102,42 3,5024 104 +205,23 114,71 102,61 3,0227 104 +205,07 112,22 102,54 2,4206 102 +205,69 112,57 102,85 2,4311 105 +204,48 114,38 102,24 3,0346 98 +205,17 114,45 102,58 2,9661 105 +203,52 117,24 101,76 3,8707 96 +202,08 118,42 101,04 4,3434 96 +203,82 121,9 101,91 4,9972 108 +202,84 120,33 101,42 4,7257 98 +200,49 123,84 100,24 5,8999 92 +200,18 119,03 100,09 4,736 99 +200,16 114,37 100,08 3,5743 100 +197,89 118,74 98,943 4,9502 91 +198,15 114,98 99,075 3,9768 100 +198,13 111,07 99,066 3,0014 99 +197,37 110,75 98,683 3,0175 96 +198,69 113,72 99,347 3,5925 104 +198,36 111,3 99,179 3,0312 98 +199,81 114,82 99,907 3,7287 105 +198,84 114,51 99,418 3,7731 96 +199,98 115,89 99,991 3,9753 104 +201,48 118,68 100,74 4,4837 106 +201,55 114,48 100,77 3,4273 101 +199,61 117,86 99,803 4,514 93 +199,65 113,57 99,827 3,4349 100 +199,7 110,33 99,849 2,6194 100 +199,74 107,88 99,868 2,0023 100 +198,27 111,01 99,134 2,9687 94 +200,23 116,89 100,12 4,1929 107 +200,96 115,94 100,48 3,8653 103 +202,59 119,41 101,29 4,5296 107 +202,01 116,89 101,01 3,9704 99 +202,01 112,92 101,01 2,9794 101 +203,26 115,56 101,63 3,4832 106 +202,85 113,51 101,43 3,0199 100 +203,75 114,51 101,87 3,1583 105 +203,28 112,99 101,64 2,837 100 +204,12 113,93 102,06 2,968 105 +205,85 118,77 102,93 3,9613 109 +205,87 114,89 102,94 2,9893 103 +206,89 116,48 103,44 3,2581 107 +206,28 115,36 103,14 3,0545 101 +204,99 116,8 102,5 3,5754 98 +204,12 116,28 102,06 3,5556 99 +205,1 117,16 102,55 3,6519 106 +204,47 115,74 102,23 3,3769 100 +204,66 113,23 102,33 2,7245 103 +205,83 115,76 102,91 3,2112 107 +207,35 119,39 103,67 3,9303 109 +206,43 118,68 103,21 3,8661 100 +206,62 115,7 103,31 3,096 104 +204,3 120,75 102,15 4,6501 94 +204,26 116,23 102,13 3,5247 102 +204,48 113,68 102,24 2,861 103 +202,92 116,28 101,46 3,7054 96 +204,3 118,81 102,15 4,1644 107 +203,77 116,53 101,88 3,6612 100 +203,54 113,64 101,77 2,9665 101 +204,6 115,43 102,3 3,2818 106 +202,78 118,53 101,39 4,2865 95 +201,18 119,84 100,59 4,8119 95 diff --git a/Resultados/output6.dat b/Resultados/output6.dat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..48c9ae4 --- /dev/null +++ b/Resultados/output6.dat @@ -0,0 +1,201 @@ +RTO(Jacobson) RTO(Jacobson/Karels) RTTs Desviación M +186 279 93 46,5 93 +188,25 242,63 94,125 37,125 102 +187,72 207,36 93,859 28,375 92 +189 184,77 94,502 22,566 99 +189,63 165,01 94,814 17,549 97 +191,67 156,67 95,837 15,208 103 +193,97 151,77 96,983 13,697 105 +194,97 142,59 97,485 11,277 101 +195,85 135,27 97,924 9,3366 101 +196,37 128,27 98,184 7,5213 100 +196,82 122,79 98,411 6,0951 100 +198,22 122,98 99,109 5,9686 104 +199,44 122,52 99,721 5,6991 104 +200,01 119,38 100,01 4,8441 102 +200,51 116,78 100,25 4,1317 102 +201,95 119,11 100,97 4,535 106 +202,45 116,86 101,23 3,908 103 +202,15 114,02 101,07 3,2376 100 +201,13 114,35 100,56 3,4465 97 +200,24 114,02 100,12 3,4759 97 +201,71 117,16 100,85 4,0773 106 +201,49 113,83 100,75 3,2714 100 +203,06 117,6 101,53 4,0168 107 +201,43 119,29 100,71 4,6447 95 +200,75 117,02 100,37 4,1617 98 +201,65 116,94 100,83 4,0279 104 +200,45 117,13 100,22 4,2276 96 +199,89 114,85 99,946 3,7266 98 +200,15 112,31 100,08 3,0586 101 +199,64 111,07 99,818 2,8132 98 +200,18 110,71 100,09 2,6555 102 +201,41 113,58 100,7 3,219 105 +200,98 111,85 100,49 2,8403 99 +200,61 110,32 100,3 2,503 99 +200,28 108,96 100,14 2,2034 99 +201,5 112,22 100,75 2,8672 105 +199,31 117,01 99,655 4,3376 92 +199,4 113,06 99,698 3,3394 100 +199,97 112,31 99,986 3,0799 102 +200,73 112,62 100,36 3,0634 103 +200,13 111,62 100,07 2,8883 98 +200,87 112,03 100,43 2,8993 103 +201,51 112,02 100,75 2,816 103 +201,07 110,74 100,54 2,5507 99 +199,69 113,03 99,844 3,2969 95 +201,73 118,91 100,86 4,5118 108 +201,01 116,9 100,51 4,0996 98 +202,63 120,11 101,32 4,6984 107 +202,05 117,44 101,03 4,1031 99 +203,8 121,18 101,9 4,8204 108 +202,57 120,65 101,29 4,8401 97 +201,5 119,56 100,75 4,7017 97 +203,06 121,89 101,53 5,0886 107 +202,43 119,01 101,22 4,4494 99 +201,63 117,38 100,81 4,1409 98 +200,67 116,57 100,34 4,0591 97 +199,84 115,43 99,92 3,8785 97 +201,11 117,27 100,55 4,179 105 +200,72 114,45 100,36 3,5229 99 +200,13 112,99 100,07 3,2323 98 +199,36 112,44 99,682 3,1906 97 +199,69 110,74 99,847 2,7224 101 +198,48 112,26 99,241 3,2535 95 +197,67 111,84 98,836 3,2504 96 +199,21 115,52 99,606 3,9788 105 +199,81 114,24 99,906 3,5825 102 +200,33 113,01 100,17 3,2105 102 +200,79 111,86 100,4 2,866 102 +201,44 111,92 100,72 2,8004 103 +200,01 114,13 100,01 3,5308 95 +199,01 114,1 99,506 3,6497 96 +197,39 116,15 98,693 4,3638 93 +196,21 115,89 98,106 4,446 94 +195,69 113,29 97,843 3,861 96 +197,72 118,6 98,862 4,9351 106 +198,01 114,95 99,005 3,9857 100 +197,26 113,59 98,629 3,7404 96 +197,85 112,52 98,925 3,398 101 +198,87 113,7 99,435 3,5672 103 +198,01 113,14 99,005 3,5341 96 +198,01 109,61 99,005 2,6519 99 +198,51 109,21 99,254 2,4877 101 +197,19 111,31 98,597 3,1793 94 +195,8 113,03 97,898 3,7839 93 +197,07 114,99 98,535 4,1135 103 +197,69 113,65 98,844 3,7012 101 +196,23 115,06 98,113 4,2368 93 +195,95 111,8 97,974 3,4559 97 +196,7 111,75 98,352 3,3484 101 +196,62 108,71 98,308 2,5994 98 +198,29 113,63 99,145 3,6225 105 +197,5 112,76 98,752 3,503 96 +197,57 109,54 98,783 2,6894 99 +197,12 108,41 98,56 2,4627 97 +199,23 115,44 99,615 3,9571 107 +198,33 114,65 99,163 3,8715 96 +199,54 116,22 99,768 4,1129 104 +198,84 114,53 99,422 3,7766 97 +199,74 114,78 99,869 3,727 103 +199,52 111,81 99,76 3,0125 99 +186,33 154,96 93,165 15,449 47 +177,04 172,03 88,52 20,878 56 +166,91 186,61 83,455 25,789 48 +158,3 190,97 79,148 27,955 49 +152,01 185,02 76,004 27,253 54 +146,01 178,77 73,004 26,441 52 +142,01 166,33 71,003 23,832 57 +135,01 167 67,503 24,875 43 +131,88 153,07 65,94 21,782 55 +126,4 150,48 63,198 21,821 44 +122,6 141,96 61,298 20,165 48 +119,27 133,43 59,636 18,448 48 +116,36 125,16 58,181 16,745 48 +113,07 119,95 56,534 15,854 45 +111,68 108,94 55,842 13,274 51 +109,97 101,65 54,987 11,666 49 +108,48 95,223 54,238 10,246 49 +107,92 86,935 53,958 8,2442 52 +105,43 87,405 52,714 8,6728 44 +104,5 81,981 52,249 7,433 49 +104,44 74,767 52,218 5,6371 52 +105,88 75,634 52,941 5,6733 58 +105,9 70,027 52,948 4,2697 53 +105,16 68,337 52,58 3,9394 50 +106,01 68,246 53,007 3,8096 56 +105,76 65,317 52,881 3,109 52 +104,54 66,48 52,271 3,5521 48 +104,22 64,04 52,112 2,9819 51 +105,2 65,432 52,598 3,2083 56 +103,55 67,997 51,774 4,0558 46 +103,35 64,618 51,677 3,2353 51 +103,18 61,975 51,592 2,5956 51 +104,29 64,338 52,143 3,0487 56 +101,75 70,165 50,875 4,8223 42 +100,53 69,608 50,266 4,8356 46 +100,47 65,005 50,233 3,6931 50 +101,66 66,675 50,829 3,9617 55 +102,7 67,407 51,35 4,0141 55 +101,86 66,324 50,931 3,8481 48 +101,38 64,165 50,69 3,3689 49 +99,957 65,775 49,979 3,9491 45 +100,96 66,35 50,481 3,9672 54 +101,34 64,091 50,671 3,3551 52 +100,67 63,074 50,337 3,1841 48 +100,34 61,06 50,17 2,7224 49 +100,55 59,271 50,274 2,2493 51 +98,729 63,386 49,365 3,5054 43 +99,138 61,721 49,569 3,0379 51 +100,25 63,668 50,123 3,3862 54 +100,72 62,393 50,358 3,0089 52 +100,38 60,572 50,188 2,5961 49 +100,58 58,89 50,289 2,1501 51 +99,506 60,493 49,753 2,6849 46 +99,568 58,086 49,784 2,0754 50 +98,622 59,321 49,311 2,5025 46 +98,044 58,841 49,022 2,4547 47 +99,789 64,236 49,894 3,5855 56 +100,07 61,895 50,033 2,9655 51 +99,807 59,833 49,904 2,4823 49 +102,08 67,584 51,041 4,1358 59 +102,82 66,777 51,411 3,8417 54 +102,72 63,295 51,359 2,9839 51 +102,38 61,5 51,189 2,5777 50 +101,58 61,713 50,791 2,7306 48 +103,38 67,093 51,692 3,8503 58 +103,46 63,589 51,73 2,9648 52 +103,28 61,264 51,639 2,4062 51 +101,12 66,417 50,559 3,9644 43 +101,23 62,948 50,614 3,0835 51 +102,82 67,049 51,412 3,9091 57 +102,72 63,501 51,361 3,0349 51 +103,13 62,31 51,566 2,686 53 +102,49 61,869 51,245 2,6559 49 +100,93 64,677 50,464 3,5532 45 +100,31 63,28 50,156 3,281 48 +99,024 64,511 49,512 3,7499 45 +99,646 63,561 49,823 3,4344 52 +100,19 62,575 50,095 3,1201 52 +101,17 63,848 50,583 3,3163 54 +99,77 65,417 49,885 3,883 45 +101,55 69,538 50,775 4,691 57 +102,11 67,351 51,053 4,0746 53 +102,59 65,467 51,296 3,5427 53 +100,77 68,309 50,384 4,4811 44 +100,42 65,039 50,211 3,7069 49 +100,62 62,219 50,31 2,9774 51 +101,29 62,268 50,646 2,9056 53 +100,88 60,803 50,44 2,5907 49 +101,02 58,842 50,51 2,083 51 +101,14 57,31 50,571 1,6847 51 +100,25 58,75 50,125 2,1564 47 +100,22 56,703 50,109 1,6485 50 +100,69 57,182 50,346 1,709 52 +100,11 57,525 50,053 1,8682 48 +101,34 61,223 50,671 2,638 55 +102,17 62,33 51,087 2,8108 54 +102,9 62,796 51,451 2,8363 54 +103,04 60,578 51,52 2,2644 52 +104,16 63,353 52,08 2,8184 56 +104,14 60,605 52,07 2,1337 52 diff --git a/Series/serie1.dat b/Series/serie1.dat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ed89fbf --- /dev/null +++ b/Series/serie1.dat @@ -0,0 +1,200 @@ +53 +46 +45 +45 +50 +50 +44 +53 +51 +53 +55 +52 +55 +52 +58 +56 +51 +41 +50 +54 +42 +50 +46 +52 +49 +54 +43 +49 +52 +55 +49 +51 +52 +57 +56 +57 +46 +50 +55 +51 +50 +43 +51 +49 +47 +49 +41 +53 +45 +54 +48 +57 +46 +56 +54 +50 +48 +53 +56 +48 +47 +56 +49 +48 +53 +51 +43 +46 +52 +54 +50 +47 +50 +55 +48 +47 +53 +48 +56 +43 +44 +52 +48 +58 +47 +54 +46 +55 +51 +52 +50 +54 +55 +55 +48 +49 +56 +47 +46 +51 +50 +48 +54 +45 +47 +55 +45 +53 +51 +48 +50 +56 +53 +46 +48 +49 +52 +50 +53 +45 +54 +42 +44 +51 +46 +51 +50 +52 +51 +54 +52 +53 +53 +41 +47 +46 +46 +51 +50 +52 +55 +46 +46 +42 +50 +44 +44 +49 +46 +47 +55 +46 +49 +49 +53 +57 +52 +49 +59 +57 +47 +47 +52 +52 +46 +49 +53 +52 +57 +55 +45 +56 +51 +54 +48 +50 +51 +59 +48 +51 +47 +52 +53 +55 +52 +54 +57 +50 +53 +53 +52 +41 +49 +50 +47 +49 +49 +58 +43 +48 diff --git a/Series/serie2.dat b/Series/serie2.dat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5ebebac --- /dev/null +++ b/Series/serie2.dat @@ -0,0 +1,200 @@ +39 +37 +51 +34 +42 +59 +52 +46 +35 +46 +43 +41 +36 +48 +47 +54 +34 +53 +51 +57 +51 +54 +53 +66 +61 +60 +50 +42 +34 +39 +53 +44 +37 +38 +50 +53 +53 +37 +33 +64 +42 +41 +55 +57 +36 +53 +39 +49 +46 +51 +44 +58 +45 +57 +38 +50 +50 +39 +40 +43 +54 +49 +52 +54 +56 +48 +60 +39 +54 +50 +40 +46 +66 +35 +36 +55 +43 +51 +46 +40 +37 +52 +49 +54 +51 +61 +50 +49 +63 +55 +38 +45 +67 +41 +32 +65 +53 +52 +50 +40 +50 +49 +36 +38 +35 +49 +44 +55 +65 +57 +54 +59 +42 +58 +55 +46 +49 +56 +61 +65 +56 +52 +42 +40 +50 +54 +49 +58 +40 +37 +35 +49 +55 +42 +35 +51 +36 +57 +36 +45 +68 +47 +47 +47 +36 +61 +50 +49 +48 +58 +43 +34 +49 +59 +53 +43 +36 +49 +44 +48 +49 +47 +47 +47 +37 +47 +51 +61 +46 +40 +59 +53 +36 +52 +50 +43 +47 +53 +52 +51 +44 +52 +44 +48 +45 +58 +41 +41 +54 +45 +46 +53 +50 +47 +56 +60 +53 +51 +41 +45 diff --git a/Series/serie3.dat b/Series/serie3.dat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9b6e6a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Series/serie3.dat @@ -0,0 +1,200 @@ +50 +52 +51 +50 +49 +51 +52 +50 +49 +50 +51 +48 +52 +48 +49 +50 +49 +50 +50 +50 +51 +49 +49 +51 +50 +50 +48 +49 +48 +52 +51 +49 +51 +52 +49 +51 +51 +50 +48 +48 +50 +48 +51 +51 +51 +48 +48 +48 +51 +50 +50 +50 +50 +48 +51 +48 +51 +50 +50 +50 +52 +52 +52 +50 +50 +51 +48 +51 +51 +51 +51 +52 +50 +51 +51 +52 +50 +50 +49 +49 +51 +49 +52 +50 +48 +52 +48 +50 +51 +51 +50 +50 +50 +49 +51 +49 +48 +50 +50 +50 +49 +50 +49 +52 +50 +52 +52 +50 +51 +52 +50 +50 +50 +51 +49 +48 +52 +50 +49 +50 +49 +50 +51 +48 +51 +48 +50 +50 +51 +50 +49 +50 +49 +50 +50 +48 +50 +50 +50 +50 +51 +50 +49 +50 +52 +51 +51 +50 +50 +52 +52 +51 +49 +50 +50 +50 +50 +49 +51 +50 +51 +50 +50 +48 +51 +52 +48 +50 +48 +49 +51 +49 +49 +50 +51 +49 +52 +48 +49 +51 +51 +50 +51 +52 +49 +51 +49 +51 +51 +52 +52 +51 +50 +50 +51 +49 +51 +49 +52 +50 diff --git a/Series/serie4.dat b/Series/serie4.dat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6ce4777 --- /dev/null +++ b/Series/serie4.dat @@ -0,0 +1,200 @@ +74 +79 +78 +78 +82 +75 +86 +76 +86 +81 +81 +85 +80 +78 +77 +82 +80 +76 +80 +81 +77 +80 +85 +79 +74 +84 +74 +79 +80 +83 +80 +79 +85 +77 +77 +85 +80 +82 +87 +82 +79 +83 +78 +80 +76 +72 +87 +81 +74 +75 +83 +79 +73 +78 +81 +89 +81 +82 +81 +78 +82 +82 +81 +78 +81 +81 +80 +87 +83 +78 +77 +79 +75 +82 +80 +81 +77 +79 +78 +81 +82 +80 +74 +77 +77 +78 +83 +80 +86 +81 +81 +79 +80 +79 +77 +80 +78 +74 +76 +82 +41 +40 +67 +62 +48 +46 +79 +105 +49 +73 +40 +112 +81 +134 +47 +109 +86 +69 +91 +46 +58 +110 +39 +80 +68 +45 +71 +106 +94 +40 +45 +73 +76 +52 +54 +125 +74 +41 +53 +102 +77 +77 +76 +98 +103 +85 +112 +92 +65 +100 +83 +85 +101 +96 +101 +54 +105 +54 +85 +77 +86 +52 +89 +46 +74 +74 +47 +90 +89 +43 +100 +83 +46 +73 +49 +39 +107 +62 +117 +100 +66 +121 +110 +83 +92 +25 +92 +64 +80 +85 +74 +86 +76 +98 +114 +92 +110 +58 +78 +48 diff --git a/Series/serie5.dat b/Series/serie5.dat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5e48de2 --- /dev/null +++ b/Series/serie5.dat @@ -0,0 +1,200 @@ +48 +46 +43 +50 +45 +58 +53 +52 +46 +48 +58 +50 +51 +50 +53 +50 +44 +50 +48 +53 +47 +48 +51 +48 +55 +44 +43 +54 +46 +55 +54 +55 +53 +52 +49 +50 +49 +58 +46 +51 +50 +54 +45 +53 +51 +51 +58 +57 +50 +52 +47 +49 +50 +52 +49 +56 +52 +50 +46 +51 +44 +50 +48 +48 +45 +56 +49 +54 +54 +44 +43 +51 +51 +53 +43 +50 +54 +50 +58 +50 +52 +51 +51 +49 +48 +48 +52 +45 +54 +57 +55 +47 +50 +53 +50 +48 +57 +51 +52 +55 +99 +98 +99 +102 +105 +92 +107 +102 +98 +100 +102 +100 +101 +105 +100 +95 +103 +94 +95 +100 +96 +100 +93 +100 +102 +106 +99 +92 +107 +104 +103 +98 +106 +106 +109 +107 +101 +100 +104 +104 +102 +105 +98 +105 +96 +96 +108 +98 +92 +99 +100 +91 +100 +99 +96 +104 +98 +105 +96 +104 +106 +101 +93 +100 +100 +100 +94 +107 +103 +107 +99 +101 +106 +100 +105 +100 +105 +109 +103 +107 +101 +98 +99 +106 +100 +103 +107 +109 +100 +104 +94 +102 +103 +96 +107 +100 +101 +106 +95 +95 diff --git a/Series/serie6.dat b/Series/serie6.dat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2689e67 --- /dev/null +++ b/Series/serie6.dat @@ -0,0 +1,200 @@ +93 +102 +92 +99 +97 +103 +105 +101 +101 +100 +100 +104 +104 +102 +102 +106 +103 +100 +97 +97 +106 +100 +107 +95 +98 +104 +96 +98 +101 +98 +102 +105 +99 +99 +99 +105 +92 +100 +102 +103 +98 +103 +103 +99 +95 +108 +98 +107 +99 +108 +97 +97 +107 +99 +98 +97 +97 +105 +99 +98 +97 +101 +95 +96 +105 +102 +102 +102 +103 +95 +96 +93 +94 +96 +106 +100 +96 +101 +103 +96 +99 +101 +94 +93 +103 +101 +93 +97 +101 +98 +105 +96 +99 +97 +107 +96 +104 +97 +103 +99 +47 +56 +48 +49 +54 +52 +57 +43 +55 +44 +48 +48 +48 +45 +51 +49 +49 +52 +44 +49 +52 +58 +53 +50 +56 +52 +48 +51 +56 +46 +51 +51 +56 +42 +46 +50 +55 +55 +48 +49 +45 +54 +52 +48 +49 +51 +43 +51 +54 +52 +49 +51 +46 +50 +46 +47 +56 +51 +49 +59 +54 +51 +50 +48 +58 +52 +51 +43 +51 +57 +51 +53 +49 +45 +48 +45 +52 +52 +54 +45 +57 +53 +53 +44 +49 +51 +53 +49 +51 +51 +47 +50 +52 +48 +55 +54 +54 +52 +56 +52 diff --git a/Series/series.zip b/Series/series.zip new file mode 100644 index 0000000..51dad2f Binary files /dev/null and b/Series/series.zip differ diff --git a/main.cpp b/main.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4e708d9 --- /dev/null +++ b/main.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,144 @@ +#include +#include +#include +#include +#include +using namespace std; + +/* + AR - Ejercicio de análisis RTO + Fernando Méndez Torrubiano (https://fernmend.ddns.net | @HumperCobra) +*/ + +//Constantes: +const int nDatos = 200; +const int nSeries = 5; + +//Tipos: +typedef struct { + double + M, //Muestra. + RTTs, //RTTs. + D, //Desviación. + RTO_Jacobson, //RTO de Jacobson. + RTO_Jacobson_Karels; //RTO de Jacobson/Karels. +} tDatos; +typedef tDatos tListaDatos[nDatos]; + +struct Comma final : std::numpunct{ //Cambiar los '.' de los double por ','. + char do_decimal_point() const override { return ','; } +}; + +//Funciones: +void inicializa(tListaDatos&); //Inicializa el array de datos. +bool cargar(tListaDatos&, string&); //Carga los archivos de las series. +void calcular(tListaDatos&, string&); //Calcula los resultados de los algoritmos de Jacobson y Jacobson/Karels. +void guardar(tListaDatos&, string&); //Guarda los resultados de los algoritmos de Jacobson y Jacobson/Karels. + + + +int main() { + system("chcp 1252"); //Castellano. + system("cls"); + + tListaDatos _datos; + string serie = "../Series/serie", salida = "../Resultados/output"; //Nombres de los archivos. + + + for (int i = 1; i <= nSeries+1; i++){ + serie += to_string(i) + ".dat"; + if (cargar(_datos, serie)) { + salida += to_string(i) + ".dat"; + calcular(_datos, salida); + cout << "Serie " << i << " calculada correctamente." << endl; + } + else { + cout << "Error al cargar uno o m�s archivos de datos." << endl; + } + serie = "../Series/serie"; + salida = "../Resultados/output"; + } + + //system("PAUSE"); + return 0; +} + +void inicializa(tListaDatos& _datos) { + for (int i = 0; i < nDatos; i++){ + _datos[i].M = 0; + _datos[i].D = 0; + _datos[i].RTTs = 0; + _datos[i].RTO_Jacobson = 0; + _datos[i].RTO_Jacobson_Karels = 0; + } +} + +bool cargar(tListaDatos& _datos, string& serie) { + bool carga = false; + ifstream archivo; + + inicializa(_datos); + archivo.open(serie); + if (!archivo.is_open()) { + cout << "Error al cargar el archivo: " << serie << endl; + carga = false; + } + else { + int i = 0; + while (!archivo.eof() && i < nDatos) { + archivo >> _datos[i].M; + i++; + } + carga = true; + } + archivo.close(); + + return carga; +} + +void calcular(tListaDatos& _datos, string& fichero) { + double alpha = 0.125; // 1/8 + double beta = 0.25; // 1/4 + double gamma = 2; + + _datos[0].RTTs = _datos[0].M; //Calculamos RTTs de 0. + _datos[0].D = _datos[0].M / 2; //Calculamos la desviación de 0. + _datos[0].RTO_Jacobson = gamma * _datos[0].RTTs; //Calculamos RTO de Jacobson de 0. + _datos[0].RTO_Jacobson_Karels = _datos[0].RTTs + (4 * _datos[0].D); //Calculamos RTO de Jacobson/Karels de 0. + for (int i = 1; i < nDatos; i++) { + _datos[i].RTTs = (((1 - alpha) * _datos[i - 1].RTTs) + (alpha * _datos[i].M)); //Calculamos RTTs de i. + _datos[i].RTO_Jacobson = gamma * _datos[i].RTTs; //Calculamos RTO de Jacobson de i. + _datos[i].D = (((1 - beta) * _datos[i - 1].D) + (beta * abs(_datos[i - 1].RTTs - _datos[i].M))); //Calculamos la Desviación de i. + _datos[i].RTO_Jacobson_Karels = (_datos[i].RTTs + (4 * _datos[i].D)); //Calculamos RTO de Jacobson/Karels de i. + } + + guardar(_datos, fichero); +} + + +void guardar(tListaDatos& _datos, string& fichero) { + ofstream archivo; + + archivo.open(fichero); + if (!archivo.is_open()) { + cout << "Error al guardar el fichero." << fichero << endl; + } + else { + archivo.imbue(std::locale(std::locale::classic(), new Comma)); + archivo << left + << setw(20) << "RTO(Jacobson)" + << setw(25) << "RTO(Jacobson/Karels)" + << setw(15) << "RTTs" + << setw(15) << "Desviación" + << setw(0) << " M" << endl; + for (int i = 0; i < nDatos; i++) { + archivo << left << setprecision(5) + << setw(20) << _datos[i].RTO_Jacobson + << setw(25) << _datos[i].RTO_Jacobson_Karels + << setw(15) << _datos[i].RTTs + << setw(15) << _datos[i].D + << setw(0) << _datos[i].M << endl; + } + } + archivo.close(); +} \ No newline at end of file