package simulator.view; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.RenderingHints; import; import; import java.util.List; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.swing.JComponent; import simulator.control.Controller; import simulator.model.Event; import simulator.model.Junction; import simulator.model.Road; import simulator.model.RoadMap; import simulator.model.TrafficSimObserver; import simulator.model.VehicleStatus; public class MapByRoadComponent extends JComponent implements TrafficSimObserver { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; //private static final int _JRADIUS = 10; private static final Color _BG_COLOR = Color.WHITE; private static final Color _JUNCTION_SOURCE_COLOR = Color.BLUE; //private static final Color _JUNCTION_LABEL_COLOR = new Color(200, 100, 0); private static final Color _GREEN_LIGHT_COLOR = Color.GREEN; private static final Color _RED_LIGHT_COLOR = Color.RED; private RoadMap _map; private Image _car; private Image _sunny; private Image _cloudy; private Image _rainy; private Image _windy; private Image _storm; private Image _cont0; private Image _cont1; private Image _cont2; private Image _cont3; private Image _cont4; private Image _cont5; MapByRoadComponent(Controller ctrl) { setPreferredSize (new Dimension (300, 200)); initGUI(); ctrl.addObserver(this); } private void initGUI() { _car = loadImage("car.png"); _sunny = loadImage("sun.png"); _cloudy = loadImage("cloud.png"); _rainy = loadImage("rain.png"); _windy = loadImage("wind.png"); _storm = loadImage("storm.png"); _cont0 = loadImage("cont_0.png"); _cont1 = loadImage("cont_1.png"); _cont2 = loadImage("cont_2.png"); _cont3 = loadImage("cont_3.png"); _cont4 = loadImage("cont_4.png"); _cont5 = loadImage("cont_5.png"); } public void paintComponent(Graphics graphics) { super.paintComponent(graphics); Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D) graphics; g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_TEXT_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_TEXT_ANTIALIAS_ON); // clear with a background color g.setColor(_BG_COLOR); g.clearRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight()); if (_map == null || _map.getJunctions().size() == 0) { g.setColor(; g.drawString("No map yet!", getWidth() / 2 - 50, getHeight() / 2); } else { updatePrefferedSize(); drawMap(g); } } private void drawMap(Graphics g) { drawRoads(g); drawVehicles(g); //drawJunctions(g); } private void drawRoads(Graphics g) { for (int i = 0; i < _map.getRoads().size(); i++) { // the road goes from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) int x1 = _map.getRoads().get(i).getJSoruce().getX(); int y1 = _map.getRoads().get(i).getJSoruce().getY(); int x2 = _map.getRoads().get(i).getJDest().getX(); int y2 = _map.getRoads().get(i).getJDest().getY(); // choose a color for the arrow depending on the traffic light of the road Color arrowColor = _RED_LIGHT_COLOR; int idx = _map.getRoads().get(i).getJDest().getGreenLightIndex(); if (idx != -1 && _map.getRoads().get(i).equals(_map.getRoads().get(i).getJDest().getInRoads().get(idx))) { arrowColor = _GREEN_LIGHT_COLOR; } // choose a color for the road depending on the total contamination, the darker // the // more contaminated (wrt its co2 limit) int roadColorValue = 200 - (int) (200.0 * Math.min(1.0, (double) _map.getRoads().get(i).getTotalCO2() / (1.0 + (double) _map.getRoads().get(i).getCO2Limit()))); Color roadColor = new Color(roadColorValue, roadColorValue, roadColorValue); // draw line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) with arrow of color arrowColor and line of // color roadColor. The size of the arrow is 15px length and 5 px width drawLine(g, x1, y1, x2, y2, 15, 5, roadColor, arrowColor, i); } } private void drawVehicles(Graphics g) { for (int i = 0; i < this._map.getVehicles().size(); i++) { if (this._map.getVehicles().get(i).getStatus() != VehicleStatus.ARRIVED) { // The calculation below compute the coordinate (vX,vY) of the vehicle on the // corresponding road. It is calculated relativly to the length of the road, and // the location on the vehicle. Road r = this._map.getVehicles().get(i).getRoad(); int numRoad = Integer.parseInt(r.getId().substring(1)); int x1 = 50; int y1 = 50; int x2 = getWidth()-100; int y2 = 50; double roadLength = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(x1 - x2, 2) + Math.pow(y1 - y2, 2)); double alpha = Math.atan(((double) Math.abs(x1 - x2)) / ((double) Math.abs(y1 - y2))); double relLoc = roadLength * ((double) this._map.getVehicles().get(i).getLocation()) / ((double) r.getLenght()); @SuppressWarnings("unused") double x = Math.sin(alpha) * relLoc; double y = Math.cos(alpha) * relLoc; //int xDir = x1 < x2 ? 1 : -1; int yDir = y1 < y2 ? 1 : -1; int vX = (int) (x = x1 + (int) ((x2 - x1) * ((double) this._map.getVehicles().get(i).getLocation() / (double) r.getLenght()))); int vY = (y1 + yDir * ((int) y)) * numRoad; // Choose a color for the vehcile's label and background, depending on its // contamination class int vLabelColor = (int) (25.0 * (10.0 - (double) this._map.getVehicles().get(i).getContClass())); g.setColor(new Color(0, vLabelColor, 0)); // draw an image of a car (with circle as background) and it identifier g.fillOval(vX - 1, vY - 6, 14, 14); g.drawImage(_car, vX, vY - 6, 16, 16, this); g.drawString(this._map.getVehicles().get(i).getId(), vX, vY - 6); } } } /* private void drawJunctions(Graphics g) { for (int i = 0; i < _map.getJunctions().size(); i++) { // (x,y) are the coordinates of the junction int x = 50; int y = (i+1)*50; // draw a circle with center at (x,y) with radius _JRADIUS g.setColor(_JUNCTION_SOURCE_COLOR); g.fillOval(x - _JRADIUS / 2, y - _JRADIUS / 2, _JRADIUS, _JRADIUS); // draw the junction's identifier at (x,y) g.setColor(_JUNCTION_LABEL_COLOR); g.drawString(_map.getJunctions().get(i).getId(), x, y); } } */ // this method is used to update the preffered and actual size of the component, // so when we draw outside the visible area the scrollbars show up private void updatePrefferedSize() { int maxW = 200; int maxH = 200; for (Junction j : _map.getJunctions()) { maxW = Math.max(maxW, j.getX()); maxH = Math.max(maxH, j.getY()); } maxW += 20; maxH += 20; //setPreferredSize(new Dimension(maxW, maxH)); //setSize(new Dimension(maxW, maxH)); if (maxW > getWidth() || maxH > getHeight()) { setPreferredSize(new Dimension(maxW, maxH)); setSize(new Dimension(maxW, maxH)); } } // This method draws a line from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) with an arrow. // The arrow is of height h and width w. // The last two arguments are the colors of the arrow and the line private void drawLine(// Graphics g, // int x1, int y1, // int x2, int y2, // int w, int h, // Color lineColor, Color arrowColor, int i) { g.setColor(Color.BLACK); g.drawString(_map.getRoads().get(i).getId(), 30, (i+1)*50); /* int dx = x2 - x1, dy = y2 - y1; double D = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); double xm = D - w, xn = xm, ym = h, yn = -h, x; double sin = dy / D, cos = dx / D; x = xm * cos - ym * sin + x1; ym = xm * sin + ym * cos + y1; xm = x; x = xn * cos - yn * sin + x1; yn = xn * sin + yn * cos + y1; xn = x; int[] xpoints = { x2, (int) xm, (int) xn }; int[] ypoints = { y2, (int) ym, (int) yn }; */ g.setColor(lineColor); //g.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2); g.drawLine(50, (i+1)*50, getWidth()-100, (i+1)*50); g.setColor(arrowColor); //g.fillPolygon(xpoints, ypoints, 3); g.setColor(_JUNCTION_SOURCE_COLOR); g.fillOval(50, (i+1)*48, 9, 9); int idx = _map.getRoads().get(i).getJDest().getGreenLightIndex(); if (idx != -1 && _map.getRoads().get(i).equals(_map.getRoads().get(i).getJDest().getInRoads().get(idx))) { g.setColor(_GREEN_LIGHT_COLOR); } else { g.setColor(_RED_LIGHT_COLOR); } g.fillOval(getWidth()-100, (i+1)*48, 9, 9); switch (_map.getRoads().get(i).getWeather()) { case SUNNY: g.drawImage(_sunny, getWidth()-90, (i+1)*45, 32, 32, this); break; case CLOUDY: g.drawImage(_cloudy, getWidth()-90, (i+1)*45, 32, 32, this); break; case RAINY: g.drawImage(_rainy, getWidth()-90, (i+1)*45, 32, 32, this); break; case WINDY: g.drawImage(_windy, getWidth()-90, (i+1)*45, 32, 32, this); break; case STORM: g.drawImage(_storm, getWidth()-90, (i+1)*45, 32, 32, this); break; } switch ((int) Math.floor(Math.min((double)_map.getRoads().get(i).getTotalCO2()/(1.0 + (double)_map.getRoads().get(i).getCO2Limit()),1.0) / 0.19)) { case 0: g.drawImage(_cont0, getWidth()-50, (i+1)*45, 32, 32, this); break; case 1: g.drawImage(_cont1, getWidth()-50, (i+1)*45, 32, 32, this); break; case 2: g.drawImage(_cont2, getWidth()-50, (i+1)*45, 32, 32, this); break; case 3: g.drawImage(_cont3, getWidth()-50, (i+1)*45, 32, 32, this); break; case 4: g.drawImage(_cont4, getWidth()-50, (i+1)*45, 32, 32, this); break; case 5: g.drawImage(_cont5, getWidth()-50, (i+1)*45, 32, 32, this); break; } } // loads an image from a file private Image loadImage(String img) { Image i = null; try { return File("resources/icons/" + img)); } catch (IOException e) { } return i; } public void update(RoadMap map) { _map = map; repaint(); } @Override public void onAdvanceStart(RoadMap map, List events, int time) { } @Override public void onAdvanceEnd(RoadMap map, List events, int time) { update(map); } @Override public void onEventAdded(RoadMap map, List events, Event e, int time) { update(map); } @Override public void onReset(RoadMap map, List events, int time) { update(map); } @Override public void onRegister(RoadMap map, List events, int time) { update(map); } @Override public void onError(String err) { } }