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package tp.p2.controller.Commands;
import tp.p2.controller.Exceptions.CommandParseException;
* @author Fernando M<>ndez Torrubiano
public class CommandGenerator {
private static final int MAXCOMMANDS = 14;
private static Command[] avaliableCommands = {
new MoveCommand("move", "m", "Move <left|right><1|2>", "Moves UCM-Ship to the indicated direction."),
new ShotCommand("shoot", "s", "Shoot", "UCM-Ship launches a missile."),
new ShockwaveCommand("shockwave", "w", "ShockWave", "UCM-Ship releases a shock wave."),
new ListCommand("list", "l", "List", "Prints the list of available ships."),
new ResetCommand("reset", "r", "Reset", "Starts a new game."),
new HelpCommand("help", "h", "Help", "Prints this help message."),
new ExitCommand("exit", "e", "Exit", "Terminates the program."),
new UpdateCommand("none", "", "[none]", "Skips one cycle."),
new BuySuperMissileCommand("buy", "b", "Buy", "Buy a Super Missile."),
new StringifyCommand("stringify", "sf", "Stringify", "Serialize the board."),
new ListPrintersCommand("listPrinters", "lp", "ListPrinters", "Prints the list of available printers."),
new SuperShootCommand("supermissile", "sm", "SuperMissile", "UCM-Ship launches a super-missile."),
new SaveCommand("save", "g", "Save", "Save the game on a file."),
new LoadCommand("load", "c", "Load", "Load the game of a file.")
//Invoca al m<>todo "parse" de cada subclase de Command.
public static Command parseCommand(String[] commandWords) throws CommandParseException {
boolean encontrado = false;
int i = 0;
Command cmd = null;
while(!encontrado && i < MAXCOMMANDS) {
if(avaliableCommands[i].parse(commandWords) != null) {
cmd = avaliableCommands[i];
encontrado = true;
else {
if(cmd == null) { throw new CommandParseException(Command.incorrectArgsMSg); }
return cmd;
//Invoca al m<>todo helpText() de cada subclase de Command.
//Este m<>todo es invocado por el m<>todo "execute" de la clase HelpCommand.
public static String commandHelp(){
String help = "";
for (int i = 0; i < avaliableCommands.length; i++) {
help += avaliableCommands[i].helpText();
return help;