reply = array(); } public function getReply() { if($this->correct){ if($this->option == "new"){ $this->reply = "

Operacion realizada con exito

Se ha añadido la promoción correctamente en la base de datos.

"; }else if($this->option == "edit"){ $this->reply = "

Operacion realizada con exito

Se ha editado la promoción correctamente en la base de datos.

"; }else if($this->option == "del"){ $this->reply = "

Operacion realizada con exito

Se ha eliminado la promoción correctamente en la base de datos.

"; } } else { $this->reply = "


Ha habido un error en la operacion. Revisa los datos introducidos

"; } return $this->reply; } //Process form: public function processesForm($_id, $_username, $_email, $_pass, $_rol) { $this->correct = true; $this->option = $_option; $id= $this->test_input($_id); $tittle=$this->test_input($_username); $description=$this->test_input($_email); $code=$this->test_input($_pass); $active=$this->test_input($_rol); //Habria que validar todo para que encaje en la base de datos $bd = new Manager_DAO('complucine'); if($bd){ if($this->option == "new"){ //Check if any var is empty if(!empty($_username)&&!empty($_email)&&!empty($_pass)&&!empty($_rol)){ // check if already exist a manager with same name $exist = $bd->selectManager($_username); if( mysqli_num_rows($exist) != 0){ $this->correct =false; } else{ $bd->createManager(null, $_username, $_email, $_pass, $_rol); } $exist->free(); } else{ $this->correct =false; } } else if ($this->option == "del"){ //Check if exist a manager with this id $exist = $bd-> GetManager($id); if( mysqli_num_rows($exist) == 1){ $bd->deleteManager($id); } else{ $this->correct =false; } } else if ($this->option == "edit"){ //Check if any var is empty if(!empty($_username)&&!empty($_email)&&!empty($_pass)&&!empty($_rol)){ //Check if exist a manager with this id $exist = $bd-> PromotionData($id); if( mysqli_num_rows($exist) == 1){ $bd->editManager($id,$_username, $_email, $_pass, $_rol); } else{ $this->correct =false; } $exist->free(); } else{ $this->correct =false; } } else {$this->correct = false;} } } protected function test_input($input){ return htmlspecialchars(trim(strip_tags($input))); } } ?>