array = array(); $this->cinema = $cinema; $this->hall = $hall; $this->date = $date; } //Methods: //Returns the whole session array public function getArray() { return $this->array; } //Returns the value i from the array public function getiArray($i) { if($i < $size){ return $this->array($i); } else { return null; } } //Change the patterns of the filter public function setCinema($cinema){$this->cinema = $cinema;} public function setHall($hall){$this->hall = $hall;} public function setDate($date){$this->date = $date;} //Update the array with current filter values public function filterList() { $this->date = date('Y-m-d', strtotime( $this->date ) ); $bd = new sessionDAO('complucine'); if($bd){ $selectSession = $bd->selectSession($this->cinema, $this->hall, null, $this->date); $selectSession->data_seek(0); $this->size = 0; while ($fila = $selectSession->fetch_assoc()) { $this->array[]= new SessionDTO($fila['id'], $fila['idfilm'], $fila['idhall'], $fila['idcinema'], $fila['date'], date('h:i', strtotime( $fila['start_time'])) , $fila['seat_price'], $fila['format']); $this->size++; } mysqli_free_result($selectSession); } } } ?>