eventos.php?start=XXXXX&end=YYYYY $start = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'start', FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, array("options" => array("regexp"=>"/\d{4}-((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))-((0[1-9])|([1-2][0-9])|(3[0-1]))/"))); $end = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'end', FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP, array("options" => array("default" => null, "regexp"=>"/\d{4}-((0[1-9])|(1[0-2]))-((0[1-9])|([1-2][0-9])|(3[0-1]))/"))); if ($start) { $startDateTime = $start . ' 00:00:00'; $endDateTime = $end; if ($end) { $endDateTime = $end. ' 00:00:00'; } $result = Event::searchEventsBetween2dates($startDateTime, $endDateTime, $hall,$cinema); } else { // Comprobamos si es una lista de eventos completa $result = Event::searchAllEvents($hall,$cinema); } // Generamos un array de eventos en formato JSON $json = json_encode($result, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES | JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK); http_response_code(200); // 200 OK header('Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8'); header('Content-Length: ' . mb_strlen($json));; echo $json; break; // Add Session case 'POST': error_log("POST"); $errors = []; $data = []; //Correct reply to verify the session has been correctly added $correct_response = 'Operación completada'; //Check if the body is ok $entityBody = file_get_contents('php://input'); $dictionary = json_decode($entityBody); if (!is_object($dictionary)) $errors['global'] = 'El cuerpo de la petición no es valido'; $price = $dictionary->{"price"} ?? ""; $format = $dictionary->{"format"} ?? ""; $hall = $dictionary->{"hall"} ?? ""; $startDate = $dictionary->{"startDate"} ?? ""; $endDate = $dictionary->{"endDate"} ?? ""; $startHour = $dictionary->{"startHour"} ?? ""; $idfilm = $dictionary->{"idFilm"} ?? ""; //Check errors in inputs if (empty($price) || $price <= 0 ) $errors['price'] = 'El precio no puede ser 0.'; if (empty($format)) $errors['format'] = 'El formato no puede estar vacio. Ej: 3D, 2D, voz original'; if (empty($hall) || $hall<=0 ) $errors['hall'] = 'La sala no puede ser 0 o menor'; if (empty($startDate)) $errors['startDate'] = 'Las sesiones tienen que empezar algun dia.'; else if (empty($endDate)) $errors['endDate'] = 'Las sesiones tienen que teminar algun dia.'; else { $start = strtotime($startDate); $end = strtotime($endDate); $start = date('Y-m-d', $start); $end = date('Y-m-d', $end); if($start > $end) $errors['date'] = 'La fecha inicial no puede ser antes o el mismo dia que la final.'; } if (empty($startHour)) $errors['startHour'] = 'Es necesario escoger el horario de la sesion.'; if (!is_numeric($idfilm) && $idfilm <= 0 ) $errors['idfilm'] = 'No se ha seleccionado una pelicula.'; //Create as many sessions as the diference between start and end date tell us. 1 session per day while($startDate < $endDate && empty($errors)){ $msg = Session::create_session($_SESSION["cinema"], $hall, $startHour, $startDate, $idfilm, $price, $format); if(strcmp($msg,$correct_response)!== 0) $errors['global'] = $msg; else $data['message'] = $msg; $startDate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime( $startDate . ' +1 day')); } if (!empty($errors)) { $data['success'] = false; $data['errors'] = $errors; } else { $data['success'] = true; } echo json_encode($data); break; //Edit session case 'PUT': //Correct reply to verify the session has been correctly edited $correct_response = 'Se ha editado la session con exito'; $errors = []; $data = []; //Check if the body is ok $entityBody = file_get_contents('php://input'); $dictionary = json_decode($entityBody); if (!is_object($dictionary)) $errors['global'] = 'El cuerpo de la petición no es valido'; //Check if the user is droping an event in a new date if(isset($_GET["drop"]) && $_GET["drop"]){ $or_hall = $dictionary->{"idhall"} ?? ""; $or_date = $dictionary->{"startDate"} ?? ""; $or_start = $dictionary->{"startHour"} ?? ""; $price = $dictionary->{"price"} ?? ""; $idfilm = $dictionary->{"idfilm"} ?? ""; $format = $dictionary->{"format"} ?? ""; $new_date = $dictionary->{"newDate"} ?? ""; $msg = Session::edit_session($_SESSION["cinema"], $or_hall, $or_date, $or_start, $or_hall, $new_date, $new_date, $idfilm, $price, $format); if(strcmp($msg,$correct_response)!== 0) http_response_code(400); else http_response_code(200); }else{ //Edit session from a form $price = $dictionary->{"price"} ?? ""; $format = $dictionary->{"format"} ?? ""; $hall = $dictionary->{"hall"} ?? ""; $startDate = $dictionary->{"startDate"} ?? ""; $endDate = $dictionary->{"endDate"} ?? ""; $startHour = $dictionary->{"startHour"} ?? ""; $idfilm = $dictionary->{"idFilm"} ?? ""; $or_hall = $dictionary->{"og_hall"} ?? ""; $or_date = $dictionary->{"og_date"} ?? ""; $or_start = $dictionary->{"og_start"} ?? ""; //Check errors in inputs if (empty($price) || $price <= 0 ) $errors['price'] = 'El precio no puede ser 0.'; if (empty($format)) $errors['format'] = 'El formato no puede estar vacio. Ej: 3D, 2D, voz original'; if (empty($hall) || $hall<=0 ) $errors['hall'] = 'La sala no puede ser 0 o menor'; if (empty($startDate)) $errors['startDate'] = 'Las sesiones tienen que empezar algun dia.'; else if (empty($endDate)) $errors['endDate'] = 'Las sesiones tienen que teminar algun dia.'; else { $start = strtotime($startDate); $end = strtotime($endDate); $start = date('Y-m-d', $start); $end = date('Y-m-d', $end); if($start > $end) $errors['date'] = 'La fecha inicial no puede ser antes o el mismo dia que la final.'; } if (empty($startHour)) $errors['startHour'] = 'Es necesario escoger el horario de la sesion.'; if (!is_numeric($idfilm) && $idfilm <= 0 ) $errors['idfilm'] = 'No se ha seleccionado una pelicula.'; if(empty($errors)){ $msg = Session::edit_session($_SESSION["cinema"], $or_hall, $or_date, $or_start, $hall, $startHour, $startDate, $idfilm, $price, $format); if(strcmp($msg,$correct_response)!== 0) $errors['global'] = $msg; else $data['message'] = $msg; } if (!empty($errors)) { $data['success'] = false; $data['errors'] = $errors; } else { $data['success'] = true; } } echo json_encode($data); break; //Delete a session case 'DELETE': $errors = []; $data = []; //Correct reply to verify the session has been correctly edited $correct_response = 'Se ha eliminado la session con exito'; //Check if the body is ok $entityBody = file_get_contents('php://input'); $dictionary = json_decode($entityBody); if (!is_object($dictionary)) $errors['global'] = 'El cuerpo de la petición no es valido'; $or_hall = $dictionary->{"og_hall"} ?? ""; $or_date = $dictionary->{"og_date"} ?? ""; $or_start = $dictionary->{"og_start"} ?? ""; //Check errors in inputs if(empty($or_hall)) $errors['global'] = 'El nº de sala a borrar no existe'; if(empty($or_date)) $errors['global'] = 'La fecha de donde borrar no existe'; if(empty($or_start)) $errors['global'] = 'La hora de donde borrar no existe'; if(empty($errors)){ $msg = Session::delete_session($_SESSION["cinema"], $or_hall, $or_start, $or_date); if(strcmp($msg,$correct_response)!== 0) $errors['global'] = $msg; else $data['message'] = $msg; } if (!empty($errors)) { $data['success'] = false; $data['errors'] = $errors; } else { $data['success'] = true; } echo json_encode($data); break; default: break; }