2021-06-02 23:32:13 +02:00

191 lines
10 KiB

class FormPurchase extends Form {
private $film; // Film to be purchased.
private $session; // Session of the film to be purchased.
private $cinema; // Cinema of the film to be purchased.
private $hall; // Hall of the film to be purchased.
private $seat; // Seat of the film to be purchased.
private $row; // Row of the seat.
private $col; // Column of the seat.
private $years; // Actual year.
private $months; // Months of the year.
private $_TODAY; // Actual date.
public function __construct() {
$sessionDAO = new SessionDAO("complucine");
$this->session = $sessionDAO->sessionData($_POST["sessions"]);
$filmDAO = new Film_DAO("complucine");
$this->film = $filmDAO->FilmData($this->session->getIdfilm());
$cinemaDAO = new Cinema_DAO("complucine");
$this->cinema = $cinemaDAO->cinemaData($this->session->getIdcinema());
$hallDAO = new HallDAO("complucine");
$this->hall = $hallDAO->HallData($this->session->getIdhall());
$rows = $this->hall->getNumRows();
$cols = $this->hall->getNumCol();
for($i = 0; $i <= $rows; $i++){
for($j = 0; $j <= $cols; $j++){
$seat = $i.$j;
if(isset($_POST["checkbox".$seat])){ $this->seat = "(Fila) ".$i." - (Columna) ".$j; $this->row = $i; $this->col = $j; }
$TODAY = getdate();
$year = "$TODAY[year]";
$this->_TODAY = "$TODAY[year]-$TODAY[month]-$TODAY[mday] $TODAY[hours]:$TODAY[minutes]:$TODAY[seconds]";
$this->years = array();
for($i = $year; $i < $year+10; $i++) array_push($this->years, $i);
$this->months = array();
for($i = 1; $i <= 12; $i++) array_push($this->months, $i);
protected function generaCamposFormulario($datos, $errores = array()){
// Se generan los mensajes de error si existen.
$htmlErroresGlobales = self::generaListaErroresGlobales($errores);
$errorNombre = self::createMensajeError($errores, 'card-holder', 'span', array('class' => 'error'));
$errorCardNumber = self::createMensajeError($errores, 'card-number-0', 'span', array('class' => 'error'));
$errorCVV = self::createMensajeError($errores, 'card-cvv', 'span', array('class' => 'error'));
$errorCardExpirationMonth = self::createMensajeError($errores, 'card-expiration-month', 'span', array('class' => 'error'));
$errorCardExpirationYear = self::createMensajeError($errores, 'card-expiration-year', 'span', array('class' => 'error'));
$monthsHTML = "";
foreach($this->months as $value){
$monthsHTML .= "<option>".$value."</option>";
$yearsHTML = "";
foreach($this->years as $value){
$yearsHTML .= "<option>".$value."</option>";
$html = "<div class='code info'>
<h2>La sesión está llena, no quedan asientos disponibles.</h2><hr />
<p>Vuelva atrás para selecionar otra sesión.</p>
} else {
$html = "<div class='row'>
<fieldset id='datos_entrada'>
<legend>Resumen de la Compra</legend>
<img src='"."../img/films/".$this->film->getImg()."' alt='".$this->film->getTittle()."' />
<p>Película: ".str_replace('_', ' ', strtoupper($this->film->getTittle()))."</p>
<p>Cine: ".$this->cinema->getName()."</p>
<p>Sala: ".$this->session->getIdhall()."</p>
<p>Asiento: ".$this->seat."</p>
<p>Fecha: ".date_format(date_create($this->session->getDate()), 'd-m-Y')."</p>
<p>Hora: ".$this->session->getStartTime()."</p>
<p>Precio: ".$this->session->getSeatPrice()."€</p>
<fieldset id='pagar_entrada'><pre>".$htmlErroresGlobales."</pre>
<legend>Datos Bancarios</legend>
<label for='card-holder'>Titular de la Tarjeta: <span id='cardNameValid'>&#x2714;</span><span id='cardNameInvalid'>&#x274C;</span></label><pre>".$errorNombre."</pre><br />
<input type='text' name='card-holder' id='card-holder' class='card-holder' placeholder='NOMBRE APELLIDO1 APELLIDO2' required />
<br />
<label for='card-number'>Número de Tarjeta: <span id='carNumberValid'>&#x2714;</span><span id='cardNumerInvalid'>&#x274C;</span></label><pre>".$errorCardNumber."</pre><br />
<input type='num' name='card-number-0' id='card-number-0' class='input-cart-number' placeholder='XXXX' maxlength='4' required />
<input type='num' name='card-number-1' id='card-number-1' class='input-cart-number' placeholder='XXXX' maxlength='4' required />
<input type='num' name='card-number-2' id='card-number-2' class='input-cart-number' placeholder='XXXX' maxlength='4' required />
<input type='num' name='card-number-3' id='card-number-3' class='input-cart-number' placeholder='XXXX' maxlength='4' required />
<label for='card-cvv'>CVV: <span id='cvvValid'>&#x2714;</span><span id='cvvInvalid'>&#x274C;</span></label>
<input type='text' name='card-cvv' id='card-cvv' class='fieldset-cvv' maxlength='3' placeholder='XXX' required /><pre>".$errorCVV."</pre>
<br />
<label for='card-expiration'>Fecha de Expiración:</label><pre>".$errorCardExpirationMonth.$errorCardExpirationYear."</pre><br />
<select name='card-expiration-month' id='card-expiration-month' required>
<select name='card-expiration-year' id='card-expiration-year' required>
<div class='actions'>
<input type='hidden' name='sessions' id='sessions' value='".$_POST["sessions"]."' />
<input type='hidden' name='row' id='row' value='".$this->row."' />
<input type='hidden' name='col' id='col' value='".$this->col."' />
<input type='submit' id='submit' value='Pagar' class='primary' />
<input type='reset' id='reset' value='Borrar' />
return $html;
protected function procesaFormulario($datos){
$result = array();
$nombre = $this->test_input($datos['card-holder']) ?? null;
$nombre = strtolower($nombre);
if ( empty($nombre) ) {
$result['card-holder'] = "El nombre no puede estar vacío.";
for($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++){
$card_numer = $this->test_input($datos['card-number-'.$i]) ?? null;
if ( empty($card_numer) || mb_strlen($card_numer) < 4 ) {
$result['card-number-0'] = "La tarjeta debe tener 16 dígitos.";
$cvv = $this->test_input($datos['card-cvv']) ?? null;
if ( empty($cvv) || mb_strlen($cvv) < 3 ) {
$result['card-cvv'] = "El CVV debe tener 3 números.";
$month = $this->test_input($datos['card-expiration-month']) ?? null;
if ( empty($month) ) {
$result['card-expiration-month'] = "El mes de expiración no es correcto.";
$year = $this->test_input($datos['card-expiration-year']) ?? null;
if ( empty($year) ) {
$result['card-expiration-year'] = "El año de expiración no es correcto.";
if (count($result) === 0) {
if(isset($_SESSION["login"]) && $_SESSION["login"] == true){
$purchaseDAO = new PurchaseDAO("complucine");
if($purchaseDAO->createPurchase(unserialize($_SESSION["user"])->getId(), $this->session->getId(), $this->session->getIdhall(), $this->cinema->getId(), $datos["row"], $datos["col"], date("Y-m-d H:i:s"))){
$purchase = new Purchase(unserialize($_SESSION["user"])->getId(), $this->session->getId(), $this->session->getIdhall(), $this->cinema->getId(), $datos["row"], $datos["col"], strftime("%A %e de %B de %Y a las %H:%M"));
$_SESSION["purchase"] = serialize($purchase);
$_SESSION["film_purchase"] = serialize($this->film);
$result = "resume.php";
} else {
$result[] = "Error al realizar la compra.";
} else {
$purchase = new Purchase("null", $this->session->getId(), $this->session->getIdhall(), $this->cinema->getId(), $datos["row"], $datos["col"], strftime("%A %e de %B de %Y a las %H:%M"));
$_SESSION["purchase"] = serialize($purchase);
$_SESSION["film_purchase"] = serialize($this->film);
$result = "resume.php";
return $result;