2021-07-02 17:59:22 +02:00

76 lines
2.3 KiB

class SeatDAO extends DAO {
function __construct($bd_name){
//Create a new Seat taking the new hall,cinema,row,col and state saving in the database
public function createSeat($hall, $cinema, $row, $col, $state){
$sql = sprintf( "INSERT INTO `seat`( `idhall`, `idcinema`, `numrow`, `numcolum`, `active`)
VALUES ( '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%d')",
$hall, $cinema, $row, $col, $state);
$resul = mysqli_query($this->mysqli, $sql) or die ('Error BD createSeat');
return $sql;
//Returns a query to get all the seat's data.
public function getAllSeats($number, $cinema){
$sql = sprintf( "SELECT * FROM seat WHERE
idhall = '%d' AND idcinema = '%d'",
$number, $cinema);
$resul = mysqli_query($this->mysqli, $sql) or die ('Error into query database');
$seat_map = null;
$seat_map[] = $this->loadSeat($fila["idhall"], $fila["idcinema"], $fila["numrow"], $fila["numcolum"], $fila["active"]);
return $seat_map;
//Delete a Seat whit the primary key
public function deletemapSeats($hall, $cinema){
$sql = sprintf( "DELETE FROM `seat` WHERE
idcinema = '%s' AND idhall = '%s'",
$cinema, $hall);
$resul = mysqli_query($this->mysqli, $sql) or die ('Error into query database');
return $resul;
//Change state of the seat.
public function changeSeatState($hall, $cinema, $row, $col, $state){
$id = $this->mysqli->real_escape_string($idHall);
$state = $this->mysqli->real_escape_string($state);
$sql = sprintf( "UPDATE seat SET active = '%d' WHERE idhall = '%d' AND idcinema = '%d' AND numrow = '%d' AND numcolum = '%d'",
$state, $hall, $cinema, $row, $col );
$resul = mysqli_query($this->mysqli, $sql) or die ('Error into query database');
return $resul;
//Create a new Seat Data Transfer Object.
public function loadSeat($idhall, $idcinema, $numRow, $numCol, $state){
return new Seat($idhall, $idcinema, $numRow, $numCol, $state);